[Haskell-cafe] Stack overflow with my Trie implementation
Adrian Hey
ahey at iee.org
Thu Apr 26 15:37:53 EDT 2007
Adrian Hey wrote:
> Pete Kazmier wrote:
>> I've modified my Norvig spelling corrector to use a trie instead of
>> Data.Map in the hopes of improving performance. Plus, this is fun and
>> a great learning exercise for me. Unfortunately, when I load my trie
>> with a large amount of data, I get a stack overflow. It's unclear to
>> me why this is happening. I specifically use foldl' to avoid this
>> situation when building my trie. Could someone shed some light on the
>> situation for me?
>> Here is the code:
>>> module Main where
>>> import Data.List (foldl')
>>> import Data.Maybe (maybe, fromMaybe)
>>> import Prelude hiding (lookup)
>>> import qualified Data.Map as M
>>> data Trie a = T (Maybe a) (M.Map Char (Trie a)) deriving (Show)
> Try making it strict in the Map field..
> > data Trie a = T (Maybe a) !(M.Map Char (Trie a)) deriving (Show)
Hmm, strictness is a slippery thing, so I think you'll also
need to use strict insertion for the Map. I believe such a thing
was added a while back, but with your code you could use
>insertWith fn (k:ks) v (T mv m) = newtrie `seq` T mv (M.insert k
newtrie m)
> where
> oldtrie = M.findWithDefault empty k m
> newtrie = insertWith fn ks v oldtrie
BTW, if you use strict insertion function (insertWith') it shouldn't
be necessary to do a lookup first.
Adrian Hey
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