[Haskell-cafe] Stack overflow with my Trie implementation

Pete Kazmier pete-expires-20070615 at kazmier.com
Thu Apr 26 14:40:51 EDT 2007

I've modified my Norvig spelling corrector to use a trie instead of
Data.Map in the hopes of improving performance.  Plus, this is fun and
a great learning exercise for me.  Unfortunately, when I load my trie
with a large amount of data, I get a stack overflow.  It's unclear to
me why this is happening.  I specifically use foldl' to avoid this
situation when building my trie.  Could someone shed some light on the
situation for me?

Here is the code:

> module Main where 
> import Data.List (foldl')
> import Data.Maybe (maybe, fromMaybe)
> import Prelude hiding (lookup)
> import qualified Data.Map as M
> data Trie a = T (Maybe a) (M.Map Char (Trie a)) deriving (Show)
> main = do
>     -- big.txt is a large file of words: http://www.norvig.com/big.txt
>     c <- readFile "big.txt"
>     let freqTrie = foldl' incWordCount empty (words c)
>     print $ lookup "evening" freqTrie
>     where 
>       incWordCount m w = insertWith (+) w 1 m
> empty :: Trie a
> empty = T Nothing M.empty
> lookup :: String -> Trie a -> Maybe a
> lookup ([])   (T Nothing  m) = Nothing
> lookup ([])   (T (Just v) m) = return v
> lookup (k:ks) (T _        m) = case M.lookup k m of
>                                  Nothing   -> Nothing
>                                  Just trie -> lookup ks trie
> findWithDefault :: a -> String -> Trie a -> a
> findWithDefault v k t = fromMaybe v (lookup k t)
> member :: String -> Trie a -> Bool
> member k t = maybe False (const True) (lookup k t)
> insertWith :: (a -> a -> a) -> String -> a -> Trie a -> Trie a
> insertWith fn ([])   v (T Nothing   m) = T (Just v)         m
> insertWith fn ([])   v (T (Just v') m) = T (Just $ fn v v') m
> insertWith fn (k:ks) v (T mv        m) = T mv (M.insertWith const k newtrie m)
>     where
>       oldtrie = M.findWithDefault empty k m
>       newtrie = insertWith fn ks v oldtrie
> {-- I also tried to use this line instead of the one above to see
>     if this had any impact.  Unfortunately, I obtained the same 
>     results.
> insertWith fn ([])   v (T (Just v') m) = let x = fn v v' in seq x T (Just x) m
> --}

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