[Haskell-cafe] How Albus Dumbledore would sell Haskell
Mirko Rahn
rahn at ira.uka.de
Fri Apr 20 04:39:28 EDT 2007
Thanks for your answer, I think it emphasizes that my example matches
the exclaimed conditions
>> * small
>> * useful
>> * demonstrate Haskell's power
>> * preferably something that might be a bit
>> tricky in another language
> It's easy to encode this in some object oriented language with generics,
[some dozen lines of java]
> The haskell solution may be much shorter, but it is far from impossible
> to encode such things in a plain-and-boring mainstream language like
> java. The promotional value of this (and similar) examples shrinks down
> to "haskell code is much shorter". Wich is true, and important, but may
> not be enough to consider learning some crazy programming language.
Okay, nobody sayed its impossible. GHC compiles Haskell programs to some
kind of C. But first: Shorter code has less chances for bugs and is
easier to maintain...
More important: Correct me, if I'm wrong, but as far as I understand
java, it is still impossible in your solution to evaluate the equivalent of
head $ mirror $ rel [ (i,i) | i <- [0..] ]
in finite time, that is, your MirrorRel is not lazy in the elements. You
have to build this also by hand and your code becomes even longer and
more complex.
> (Java developers who don't understand Java's advanced features like
> generics and anonymous classes may not be able to write or understand
> the above written Java solution; but do you expect them to understand
> Haskell?)
Add 1: This statement contradicts your "easyness" claim!?
Add 2: In contrast, the Haskell solution does'nt uses "advanced Haskell
features" (whatever this might be), it consists of 6 lines of plain
Haskell 98 only.
-- Mirko Rahn -- Tel +49-721 608 7504 --
--- http://liinwww.ira.uka.de/~rahn/ ---
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