[Haskell-cafe] Re: Translating perl -> haskell,
string "fill ins" with an error on invalid inputseems awfullycomplex.
Is there a way to simplify?
Thomas Hartman
tphyahoo at gmail.com
Mon Apr 16 07:45:00 EDT 2007
With regards to the variable interpolation in strings problem, it's
probably worth watching
which mentions some perl/python-like template systems in the works for haskell.
2007/4/16, jeff p <mutjida at gmail.com>:
> {----
> Hello,
> Here is a variation on Claus' code which returns an Either type
> rather than fails with error. This could be further generalized to use
> any instance of MonadError, rather than Either.
> -Jeff
> ----}
> import Control.Monad.Error
> financial_output :: String -> String -> String -> String -> Either String String
> financial_output company displaymode startDate endDate = financial_script
> where
> financial_script = gnuplot_timeseries_settings <++> "\n"
> <++> "plot [\"" <++> startDate <++> "\":\""
> <++> endDate <++> "\"]"
> <++> " '" <++> companyFile <++> "'" <++> modeString
> <++> " title \"" <++> company <++> " " <++>
> titleEnd <++> "\""
> companyFile = lookupWith ("no company file for " ++ company)
> company company_to_companyfile
> modeString = lookupWith ("no mode string for " ++ displaymode)
> displaymode displaymode_to_modestring
> titleEnd = lookupWith ("no title end for " ++ displaymode)
> displaymode displaymode_to_titleend
> lookupWith :: (Eq a) => String -> a -> [(a,String)] -> Either String String
> lookupWith error key assocs = maybe (Left error) Right $ lookup key assocs
> class MyString a
> where mystr :: a -> Either String String
> instance MyString (Either String String)
> where mystr = id
> instance MyString String
> where mystr = Right
> x <++> y = do xv <- mystr x
> yv <- mystr y
> return $ xv ++ yv
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