[Haskell-cafe] Re: hackage.haskell.org

Simon Marlow simonmarhaskell at gmail.com
Thu Apr 12 07:16:56 EDT 2007

Neil Mitchell wrote:
>> > Let's hold off on this for now.  I don't think Haddock warrants a full
>> > Trac of
>> > its own just yet, the overheads of managing a Trac are pretty high
>> > compared to
>> > editing the text file called "TODO" in the root of the Haddock 
>> source tree
>> > :-)
>> What do you think of the Google bug tracker? Neil and I created a project
>> for Haddock at http://code.google.com/p/haddock/
> For reference, it took well under a minute for me to create a new
> Google Code project, and is unlikely to need maintenance ever.
> Google rules!

I'm thinking of the overheads of using a web app to manage a bug database as 
opposed to a text file + darcs + email.  Google code is certainly good, but it 
isn't going to beat the low-tech tools in terms of simplicity and speed.  What's 
more, we'll have to populate it with all the existing known bugs, or keep bugs 
in two places.  And can you extract the metadata from google code when you want 
to move to Trac or something else?

I'm mainly worried that I'll have yet another place to go looking for bugs.

David - if you want to set up a Google bug tracker for haddock.ghc then by all 
means go ahead, but my vote would be to keep it simple, at least until we really 
need the extra functionality.


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