[Haskell-cafe] Prettyprinting infix expressions with HughesPJ

Stefan O'Rear stefanor at cox.net
Tue Apr 10 19:04:21 EDT 2007

On Tue, Apr 10, 2007 at 09:20:52AM +0200, Alfonso Acosta wrote:
> I have to prettyprint infix expressions writing the least possible
> parenthesis (taking in account precedence and associativity). A
> simplified expression type could be:

Your use of 'have' is slightly suspicious here.  That said, the rest
of your problem looks very un-homework-y, so I'll look at it. 

"Associativity" is ambiguous here.  Do you mean:

1 + 2 + 3   =>  (1 + 2) + 3      (Associativity of parsing)
(1 + 2) + 3 == 6 == 1 + (2 + 3)  (Associativity of functions)


> data Expr = Val String |
>                  -- Binary operators (using infix constructors)
>                  Expr :+: Expr  | Expr  :-: Expr  |
>                  Expr :*: Expr  | Expr  :/: Expr  |
>                  Expr :^: Expr |
>                  -- Unary operators
>                  Negate Expr
> I'm using HughesPJ for the rest of my AST (not just expressions) but
> the library doesn't provide any mechanism to help coding this kind of
> prettyprinter so I decided to simply use the standard showsPrec and
> then feed HughesPJ with the obtained text.

That seems very counter-productive.  By using showsPrec, you lose all
the information that could be used to guide line breaks.  It would be
far better to do it yourself.  Note that the method I am about to show
is exactly the same as that used by the standard showsPrec:

-- let +, - have infixl 1
-- let *, / have infixl 2
-- let ^ have infixr 3
-- let uminus have (nofix) 4

pprExpr :: Int  -- ^ Precedence context - if you're like me no
                --   explanation of this will make more sense than the
                --   code
        -> Expr -> Doc
pprExpr cx (Val str) = text str
pprExpr cx (a :+: b) = cparen (cx >= 1) $ pprExpr 1 a <+> char '+' <+> pprExpr 1 b
pprExpr cx (a :-: b) = cparen (cx >= 1) $ pprExpr 1 a <+> char '+' <+> pprExpr 1 b
pprExpr cx (a :*: b) = cparen (cx >= 2) $ pprExpr 2 a <+> char '+' <+> pprExpr 2 b
pprExpr cx (a :/: b) = cparen (cx >= 2) $ pprExpr 2 a <+> char '+' <+> pprExpr 2 b
pprExpr cx (a :^: b) = cparen (cx >= 3) $ pprExpr 3 a <+> char '+' <+> pprExpr 3 b
pprExpr cx (Negate a) = cparen (cx >= 4) $ char '-' <+> pprExpr 4 a

-- this is provided for ShowS under the name showsParen, but
-- unfortunately does not exist for Doc standardly
cparen :: Bool -> Doc -> Doc
cparen False = id
cparen True = parens

> showsPrec helps to take advantage of the precedence information.
> However, I don't find a way to remove parenthesis according to
> associativity.

A simple modification of the above code will do it:

pprExpr cx (Val str) = text str
pprExpr cx (a :+: b) = cparen (cx >= 1) $ pprExpr 0 a <+> char '+' <+> pprExpr 1 b
pprExpr cx (a :-: b) = cparen (cx >= 1) $ pprExpr 0 a <+> char '-' <+> pprExpr 1 b
pprExpr cx (a :*: b) = cparen (cx >= 2) $ pprExpr 1 a <+> char '*' <+> pprExpr 2 b
pprExpr cx (a :/: b) = cparen (cx >= 2) $ pprExpr 1 a <+> char '/' <+> pprExpr 2 b
pprExpr cx (a :^: b) = cparen (cx >= 3) $ pprExpr 3 a <+> char '^' <+> pprExpr 2 b
pprExpr cx (Negate a) = cparen (cx >= 4) $ char '+' <+> pprExpr 4 a

Handling line breaks is left as an excercise for the reader.

> I'm sure this kind of prettyprinting has been already done zillions of
> times in Haskell. Any suggestions?


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