[Haskell-cafe] A convenient way to deal with conditional function
Nicolas Frisby
nicolas.frisby at gmail.com
Tue Apr 10 10:22:54 EDT 2007
Using the Endo newtype can avoid such ambiguities:
newtype Endo a = Endo { appEndo :: a -> a }
instance Monoid (Endo a) where
mempty = Endo id
Endo f `mappend` Endo g = Endo (f . g)
Endo allows you to explicitly select the monoid behavior of the
endomorphism String -> String instead of using String -> String as an
exponent. It seems 6.4.2 -> 6.6 made a change from a default Monoid
instance for (a -> a) to the more general Monoid instance for (a ->
On 4/10/07, Stefan O'Rear <stefanor at cox.net> wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 10, 2007 at 02:33:41PM +0100, Chris Kuklewicz wrote:
> > Well, since ((.) :: ShowS -> ShowS -> ShowS) is a Monoid, you can use Writer to
> > create the result:
> Not portably.
> stefan at stefans:~$ ghc-6.4.2 -e '( ("foo"++) `Data.Monoid.mappend` ("bar"++) ) "END"'
> "foobarEND"
> stefan at stefans:~$ ghc-6.6 -e '( ("foo"++) `Data.Monoid.mappend` ("bar"++) ) "END"'
> "fooENDbarEND"
> -- 6.6 sources
> instance Monoid b => Monoid (a -> b) where
> mempty _ = mempty
> mappend f g x = f x `mappend` g x
> Stefan
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