[Haskell-cafe] Building c2hs on a mac

manu emmanuel.delaborde at citycampus.com
Fri Apr 6 06:55:53 EDT 2007


I'd be interested to know if anybody had managed to build c2hs on a  
mac recently
because I've tried the current darcs version, c2hs-0.14.5,  
c2hs-0.14.3, c2hs-0.13.6, etc...
to no avail

I get this with c2hs-0.14.5 :

./Setup.hs configure

     Couldn't match expected type  
            against inferred type `LocalBuildInfo'
     Probable cause: `addWrapperAndLib' is applied to too many arguments
     In the `postInst' field of a record
     In the first argument of `defaultMainWithHooks', namely
         `defaultUserHooks {postInst = addWrapperAndLib}'

Any help appreciated, thanks


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