[Haskell-cafe] Short-circuiting a fold
Kurt Hutchinson
kelanslists at gmail.com
Thu Apr 5 14:09:12 EDT 2007
Here's a bit of Thursday afternoon fun.
Define "ssfold," a short-circuiting fold. It evaluates to the "folded
value" that first satisfies the given predicate.
> ssfold :: ( a -> Bool ) -> ( a -> b -> a ) -> a -> [b] -> a
Here are two of mine.
> ssfold p f z = head . dropWhile ( not . p ) . scanl f z
> data Done a b = Done { undone :: a } | NotDone b
> instance Monad ( Done a ) where
> ( NotDone i ) >>= f = f i
> ( Done r ) >>= _ = Done r
> return = NotDone
> ssfold p f z = undone . foldM (\ v e -> if p v then Done v else NotDone ( f v e ) ) z
I want to see some real creativity here, so pull out all the stops.
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