[Haskell-cafe] Re: Getting the latest

Lyle Kopnicky lists at qseep.net
Wed Sep 27 14:14:47 EDT 2006

Max Vasin wrote:
> Lyle> I have no idea how it decides where to go. Right now ghc
> Lyle> 6.4.1 is in /usr/local/bin/ghc. After I 'make install', will it
> Lyle> be ghc 6.5? I don't want to screw up the installed package so it
> Lyle> can't be updated later.
> It should be :-)
It should be screwed up? Or it should be updated later?

Ideally I'd like to keep the Ubuntu package where it is. I'd like to 
install the experimental GHC in a different place. Then I want to change 
my path to point to the experimental one for building.
> PS: It is better to build a custom package (dh_make will help you).
I don't have a command called dh_make. I do have some other dh_* 
commands. What do I need to run dh_make? Where can I find documentation?


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