[Haskell-cafe] variadic functions and typeCast
Michael Shulman
viritrilbia at gmail.com
Sat Sep 23 12:21:07 EDT 2006
Hi all,
I am writing, for my own amusement, a more general version of the
trick to implement variadic functions in Haskell outlined at
http://okmij.org/ftp/Haskell/vararg-fn.lhs. (If someone else has done
this already, please point me to it!) Code is attached at the end of
the message. My question concerns the use of `typeCast', which is
defined as follows:
class TypeCast x y | x -> y, y -> x where
typeCast :: x -> y
instance TypeCast x x where
typeCast = id
This is taken from the paper "Strongly typed heterogeneous
collections" by Oleg Kiselyov, Ralf Lammel, and Keean Schupke. As
observed there, the TypeCast instance declaration must occur in a
separate module; otherwise the compiler is too eager about type
simplification. (I also get the same errors if VarArg is interpreted
by GHCi, even if TypeCast is in a separate module.) I think I
understand the reason for this, but I find it a little surprising; it
wasn't clear to me from the documentation that fundeps introduce a new
dependence on module boundaries.
Anyway, my main question about typeCast is this: why is it needed here
at all? If I omit it entirely, the code compiles fine, but then
using it gives error messages like the following:
Prelude VarArg> build 'h' 'i' :: String
No instances for (VarFold [a] [a] [Char], VarAccum Char [a])
arising from use of `build' at <interactive>:1:0-4
I don't understand why the type-checker is unable to infer that the
type variable `a' should be specialized to `Char' here, since the only
available instance of VarFold whose third type is [Char] has the first
type also being [Char]. I've given the compiler all the type hints I
can think of. Can someone explain this to me?
I should say that if I add a functional dependency "l -> a" to the
class VarAccum, then this particular example works. However, I have
other examples in mind for which l doesn't functionally determine a,
so I don't want to do that. And I don't see why it's necessary.
Here's the code:
class VarAccum a l where
accum :: a -> l -> l
class VarFold b l r where
varFold :: (l -> b) -> l -> r
instance (TypeCast b c) => VarFold b l c where
varFold f xs = typeCast (f xs)
instance (VarFold b l r, VarAccum a l) => VarFold b l (a -> r) where
varFold f xs x = varFold f (accum x xs)
-- This is the type of variadic functions from lots of As to a B.
type a :--> b = forall r. (VarFold b [a] r) => r
infixr 0 :-->
instance VarAccum a [a] where
accum x xs = (x:xs)
varArg :: forall a b. ([a] -> b) -> (a :--> b)
varArg f = varFold (f . reverse) ([] :: [a])
build :: forall a. a :--> [a]
build = varArg (id :: [a] -> [a])
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