[Haskell-cafe] foreach
Bulat Ziganshin
bulat.ziganshin at gmail.com
Wed Sep 13 07:24:39 EDT 2006
Hello Udo,
Wednesday, September 13, 2006, 12:53:38 PM, you wrote:
>> main = do
>> args <- getArgs
>> flip mapM_ args $ \arg ->
>> flip mapM_ [1..3] $ \n ->
>> putStrLn $ show n ++ ") " ++ arg
> Or even:
> main = do
> args <- getArgs
> putStr $ unlines [ show n ++ ") " ++ arg
> | arg <- args, n <- [1..3] ]
> I'm really at a loss trying to understand why some people seem to like
> the imperative style. In fact, most of the time, the strings in the
> code above are better replaced by Doc from Text.PrettyPrint.
because REAL code is somewhat larger than examples. try to rewrite the
directory_blocks <- (`mapM` splitBy (opt_group_dir command) files_to_archive)
( \filesInOneDirectory -> do
datablocks <- (`mapM` splitToSolidBlocks filesInOneDirectory)
( \filesInOneDataBlock -> do
let compressor = map (freearcLimitDictionary$ clipToMaxInt totalBytes)
(data_compressor filesInOneDataBlock)
totalBytes = sum$ map (fiSize.cfFileInfo) filesInOneDataBlock
copy_solid_block = isWholeSolidBlock filesInOneDataBlock
writeBlock pipe DATA_BLOCK compressor copy_solid_block $ do
dir <- if copy_solid_block then do
sendP pipe (CopySolidBlock filesInOneDataBlock)
return$ map fileWithCRC filesInOneDataBlock
else if (compressor==[aFAKE_COMPRESSION]) then do
sendP pipe (FakeFiles filesInOneDataBlock)
return$ map (FileWithCRC 0 . cfFileInfo) filesInOneDataBlock
else do
mapMaybeM (read_file command bufOps decompress_pipe) filesInOneDataBlock
processDir dir
return dir
blocks_info <- replicateM (length datablocks) (getP backdoor)
arcpos <- archiveGetPos archive
writeControlBlock DIR_BLOCK dir_compressor $ do
archiveWriteDir blocks_info arcpos receiveBuf sendBuf
Best regards,
Bulat mailto:Bulat.Ziganshin at gmail.com
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