[Haskell-cafe] Re: optimization help

apfelmus at quantentunnel.de apfelmus at quantentunnel.de
Wed Oct 18 07:22:31 EDT 2006

Time to write actual code and do some measurements :)

The code attached at the end of the message gets compiled with -O2.

Writing a sample test file happens with (writeTest #columns #rows) like
in writeTest 4 500000 (~7 seconds, ~770MB heap (=:-o), 3MB test file).
I assume the heap spaces from writeTest are everything added together as
'top' does not report any memory bursts.

The following matrix represents the performance comparisons between four
possibilities. The times get produced by calling (test #matrixrow
(filtertest #matrixcol))

         map               transpose
++[nl]   2.76,2.87,2.83    2.72,2.88,2.96
>>       2.72,2.92,2.87    2.82,2.79,2.88

No significant differences. In a test with more rows, >> seems to
perform slightly better (as expected). Transpose is a bit better, too:

writeTest 10 750000 (~24 seconds, ~2.8GB heap (=:-o), 15MB test file)
         map               transpose
++[nl]   3.50,3.59,3.42    3.23,3.26,3.29,3.19
>>       3.38,3.41,3.41    3.19,3.14,3.23

Looks like my measurements somewhat disagree with yours. Odd. But note
that by discriminating the to be tested functionality on run-time, the
compiler gets no chance to optimize things for the particular case. So
in reality, (++[nl]) could trigger a good code transformation whereas
(>>) does not.

Also note that transpose is very lazy and is far cheaper than it looks.

Somehow, the 2.8 and 3.5 seconds are not in proportion with respect to
the inputs of 3MB and 15MB or the outputs of 590KB and 400KB (yes, the
smaller input produces a larger output). Your 13 seconds versus 90
seconds makes this even more puzzling. But it looks like writing a CSV
file is far more expensive than reading one. Maybe it's not a good idea
to call hPut very often.

> the mask (map (`elem` tags) cols) is
> only computed once (shouldn't the compiler do that automatically since
> the expression is constant?)
> [...]
> col x cols row = row !! i
>  where Just i = lookup x $ zip cols [0..] 

One has to be careful,

    col x cols = \row -> row !! i
        where Just i = lookup x $ zip cols [0..]

is different as it shares i across all rows. The compiler is likely not
to do this easy transformation ("full laziness" transformation), for col
because this can introduce space leaks. These are things the programmer
should have control over, so no optimization here. See also


I think the reason given there is wrong, it's not about efficiency but
about space leaks. The map showcase suggests that (map (`elem` tags)
cols) is computed only once, though personally, I don't rely on that (yet).


> ----------------------------------------
> module CSV where
> import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as B
> import Data.List
> import System.IO
> {-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> 	Reading and writing CSV (comma separated value) files
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
> readCSV :: FilePath -> IO [[B.ByteString]]
> readCSV file = do
>  v <- B.readFile file
>  return $ map (B.split ',') $ B.lines v
> writeCSV :: Int -> FilePath -> [[B.ByteString]] -> IO ()
> writeCSV i file tbl = do
>         h <- openFile file WriteMode
>         mapM_ (writeRow i h) tbl
>         hClose h
> writeRow j = case j of
>         1 -> \h -> mapM_ (B.hPut h) . (++ [nl]) . intersperse comma
>         2 -> \h row -> (mapM_ (B.hPut h) $ intersperse comma row) >> B.hPut h nl
>     where
>     comma    = B.singleton ','
>     nl       = B.singleton '\n'
> {-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> 	Processing [[ByteString]]
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
> select j targs test (cols : rows) =
>         narrow $ cols : filter (test cols) rows
>     where
>     narrow   = colmap j (map snd . filter fst . zip mask)
>     mask     = map (`elem` targs) cols
> colmap :: Int -> (forall a . [a] -> [a]) -> [[a]] -> [[a]]
> colmap 1 f = map f
> colmap 2 f = transpose . f . transpose
> col x cols = \row -> row !! i
>     where Just i = lookup x $ zip cols [0..]
> if12 = ((== B.pack "2") .) . col (B.pack "1")
> filtertest j = select j (map B.pack ["1","2","4"]) if12
> test i f = readCSV "test.csv" >>= writeCSV i "result.csv" . f
> {-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> 	Test cases
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
> rotated :: Int -> [[B.ByteString]]
> rotated n = map (take n) . iterate (drop n) . concat . repeat .
>     map (B.pack . show) $ [1..(n+1)]
> writeTest c r = writeCSV 1 "test.csv" . take r . rotated $ c

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