[Haskell-cafe] beginner's problem about lists
Matthias Fischmann
fis at wiwi.hu-berlin.de
Wed Oct 11 11:05:57 EDT 2006
[start this post by reading the last paragraph, i just needed to go
through the rest to figure it out for myself.]
On Wed, Oct 11, 2006 at 03:14:23PM +0100, Malcolm Wallace wrote:
> To: haskell-cafe at haskell.org
> From: Malcolm Wallace <Malcolm.Wallace at cs.york.ac.uk>
> Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2006 15:14:23 +0100
> Subject: Re: [Haskell-cafe] beginner's problem about lists
> Matthias Fischmann <fis at wiwi.hu-berlin.de> wrote:
> > > No, your Fin type can also hold infinite values.
> >
> > let q = FinCons 3 q in case q of FinCons i _ -> i ==> _|_
> >
> > does that contradict, or did i just not understand what you are
> > saying?
> That may be the result in ghc, but nhc98 gives the answer 3.
> It is not entirely clear which implementation is correct. The Language
> Report has little enough to say about strict components of data
> structures - a single paragraph in 4.2.1. It defines them in terms of
> the strict application operator ($!), thus ultimately in terms of seq,
> and as far as I can see, nhc98 is perfectly compliant here.
> The definition of seq is
> seq _|_ b = _|_
> seq a b = b, if a/= _|_
> In the circular expression
> let q = FinCons 3 q in q
> it is clear that the second component of the FinCons constructor is not
> _|_ (it has at least a FinCons constructor), and therefore it does not
> matter what its full unfolding is.
Interesting point. But one could argue that with strictness in data
types this is what happens:
FinCons 3 q
==> q `seq` FinCons 3 q
==> FinCons 3 q `seq` FinCons 3 q
==> q `seq` FinCons 3 q `seq` FinCons 3 q
==> ...
Section 4.2.1. of the H98 standard sais: "Whenever a data constructor
is applied, each argument to the constructor is evaluated if and only
if the corresponding type in the algebraic datatype declaration has a
strictness flag..." It is also reduced to strict function application
("$!") there, see Section 6.2. This yields:
FinCons 3 q (1.)
==> (\ x1 x2 -> ((FinCons $ x1) $! x2)) 3 q (2.)
==> (FinCons $ 3) $! q (3.)
==> q `seq` ((FinCons $ 3) q) (4.)
==> FinCons 3 q `seq` ((FinCons $ 3) q) (5.)
-- Hh. I suddenly see what you mean.
Ok, but isn't there a difference between "FinCons 3 q" as an
expression and "FinCons <box> <box>" as HNF? According to Section
4.2.1., the former is equivalent to a lambda expression in (2.), which
evaluates to (5.). So the first argument to seq in (5.) should
evaluate to (5.) as well, and so on.
Tell me I'm wrong, I want to learn something! (-:
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