[Haskell-cafe] Error building Edison
Lyle Kopnicky
lists at qseep.net
Thu Oct 5 16:51:27 EDT 2006
Robert Dockins wrote:
> On Wednesday 04 October 2006 16:16, Lyle Kopnicky wrote:
>> Robert Dockins wrote:
>>> Whats the output of
>>> ghc-pkg -l
>>> ?
>> lwk at lwk-desktop:~$ ghc-pkg -l
>> /usr/local/lib/ghc-6.5.20060924/package.conf:
>> Cabal-1.1.4, base-2.0, (ghc-6.5.20060924), haskell98-1.0,
>> parsec-2.0, readline-1.0, regex-base-0.71, regex-compat-0.71,
>> regex-posix-0.71, rts-1.0, stm-2.0, template-haskell-2.0, unix-1.0
>> l
> Hummm. Well, I confess that I'm confused. Cabal 1.1.4 should work, because
> that's what I have on my machines; I've just tested it here. The only thing
> I can think of is that the 'runhaskell' command is still bound to your old
> GHC, or to something else (Hugs maybe?). If that's the case, you can edit
> the makefile and set the 'RUNHS' variable in the first line to the full path
> to your 6.5 runghc. Or you can edit the .cabal files as suggested above.
I don't have hugs installed, and I've uninstalled ghc 6.4.1, so it can
only be running 6.5.
I've pasted the error in again here for reference:
> lwk at lwk-desktop:~/devel/edison-$ sudo make system
> Password:
> cd edison-api && \
> runhaskell Setup.hs configure && \
> runhaskell Setup.hs build && \
> runhaskell Setup.hs install
> Configuring EdisonAPI-1.2...
> configure: Dependency base>=1.0: using base-2.0
> configure: Dependency haskell98>=1.0: using haskell98-1.0
> Setup.hs: cannot satisfy dependency mtl>=1.0
> make: *** [api-system] Error 1
> lwk at lwk-desktop:~/devel/edison-$
Do you know what mtl is? Maybe there's something broken in this GHC
snapshot. I've already noticed Template Haskell seems to be broken in it.
- Lyle
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