[Haskell-cafe] Re: How would you replace a field in a CSV file?
apfelmus at quantentunnel.de
apfelmus at quantentunnel.de
Mon Oct 2 12:39:55 EDT 2006
Pete Kazmier wrote:
> import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as B hiding (map,foldr)
> import Data.List (map)
> import Data.Map as M hiding (map)
> -- This will be populated from a file
> dict = M.singleton (B.pack "Pete") (B.pack "Kazmier")
> main = B.interact $ B.unlines . map doline . B.lines
> where doline = B.join comma . mapIndex fixup . B.split ','
> comma = B.singleton ','
> fixup 3 s = M.findWithDefault s s dict
> fixup n s = s
> -- f is supplied the index of the current element being processed
> mapIndex :: (Int -> ByteString -> ByteString) -> [ByteString] ->
> [ByteString]
> mapIndex f xs = m xs 0
> where m [] _ = []
> m (x:xs') i = f i x : (m xs' $! i+1)
How about
import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as B hiding (map,foldr)
import Data.List (map)
import Data.Map as M hiding (map)
dict = M.singleton (B.pack "Pete") (B.pack "Kazmier")
main = B.interact $ B.unlines . map doline . B.lines
doline = B.join comma . zipWith ($) fixup9 . B.split ','
fixup9 = fixup 9
fixup n = replicate n id
++ [\s -> M.findWithDefault s s dict] ++ repeat id
Note that fixup9 is shared intentionally across different invocations of
doline. The index n starts at 0.
Also note that because (compare :: (Byte)String -> ..) takes time
proportional to the string length, the use of Map will inevitably
introduce a constant factor. But I'm still happy you didn't use arrays
or hash tables (urgh!) :)
In any case, tries are *the* natural data structure for (in)finite maps
in functional languages, see also
Ralf Hinze. Generalizing generalized tries. Journal of Functional
Programming, 10(4):327-351, July 2000
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