[Haskell-cafe] Re: Building Binaries with Cabal
John Goerzen
jgoerzen at complete.org
Thu Nov 30 14:52:47 EST 2006
I posted a weird version of the code. Here's the real version. Same
problem I described, though.
import Distribution.PackageDescription
import Distribution.Version
import System.Info
import Data.Maybe
winHooks = defaultUserHooks {confHook = customConfHook,
buildHook = customBuildHook}
customConfHook descrip flags =
let mydescrip = case System.Info.os of
"mingw32" -> descrip
_ -> descrip {buildDepends =
(Dependency "unix" AnyVersion) :
buildDepends descrip}
in (confHook defaultUserHooks) mydescrip flags
customBuildHook descrip lbi uh flags =
let myexecutables = map bdfix (executables descrip)
bdfix exe =
exe {buildInfo =
(buildInfo exe)
{otherModules =
exposedModules . fromJust . library $ descrip}}
mydescrip = descrip {executables = myexecutables}
in do print mydescrip
(buildHook defaultUserHooks) mydescrip lbi uh flags
main = defaultMainWithHooks winHooks
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