[Haskell-cafe] Re: help with threadDelay
Simon Marlow
simonmarhaskell at gmail.com
Wed Nov 22 04:26:46 EST 2006
Ian Lynagh wrote:
> [moving to glasgow-haskell-bugs]
> On Wed, Nov 15, 2006 at 11:40:12PM +0000, Neil Davies wrote:
>>however when -threaded is used you get some interesting effects,
>>including returning too early:
>>Tgt/Actual = 0.000125/0.000034s, diff = -0.000091s
> Thanks for the report; I can reproduce it on Linux/amd64.
> OK, so the bug here is that threadDelay n might return after less than n
> microseconds.
> This looks like it's caused by truncation problems when converting times
> to ticks (where a tick is 1/50 of a second), e.g. while trying to sleep
> for 1.953125s one run started at 1164157960.773726s which is
> (Int) 1164157960 * 50 + 773726 * 50 / 1000000
> = (Int) 58207898038.6863
> = 58207898038 ticks
> and woke the thread up at 1164157962.708609s which is
> (Int) 1164157962 * 50 + 708609 * 50 / 1000000
> = (Int) 58207898135.4305
> = 58207898135 ticks
> The difference is 58207898135 - 58207898038 = 97 ticks.
> Meanwhile we're trying to sleep for
> (Int) 50 * 1.953125
> = (Int) 97.65625
> = 97 ticks
> However, 1164157962.708609s - 1164157960.773726s = 1.93488311767578s
> which is 0.0182418823242201s too short.
> The problem is that we have counted 0.6863 ticks before the start time,
> not counted 0.4305 ticks before the finish time and have been waiting
> 0.65625 ticks too short a time. Thus we have counted
> (0.6863-0.4305 + 0.65625) / 50 == 0.018241 too much time.
> I think the answer is that
> let target = now + usecs `quot` tick_usecs
> in GHC/Conc.lhs should be
> let target = 1 + now + (usecs + tick_usecs - 1) `quot` tick_usecs
> I'm also a bit dubious about the use of the constant "50" for the number
> of ticks per second, but the results with +RTS -V0.001 don't look any
> more wrong so perhaps I just need to get some sleep.
The hardcoded 50 in GHC/Conc.lhs matches up with TICK_FREQ in
libraries/base/includes/HsBase.h. It could probably be made larger without any
ill effects. I agree that we should round up the target time to the nearest
tick rather than rounding down, though.
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