[Haskell-cafe] ghci stack overflow
jim burton
jim at sdf-eu.org
Sun Nov 19 19:13:30 EST 2006
This code produces a stack overflow in ghci when I call `makeSpiral' with
large values, e.g. big enough to produce a 1001x1001 spiral. (makeSpiral
produces a list of lists which form a clockwise 'spiral', it's a puzzle from
I'm sure there is a way to increase the stack space in ghc which I will look
into, but is there a way I could avoid the problem in the first place by
attacking the problem differently? Does stack space run out because the list
is an argument being passed around (1001x1001 versions of it)? If so would
the state monad help me?
data Dir = R | D | L | U deriving (Show, Eq, Enum)
type Spiral = ([[Int]], Int, Dir) -- (rows, current row, next direction)
rows :: Spiral -> [[Int]]
rows (rs, i, d) = rs
currentrow :: Spiral -> Int
currentrow (rs, i, d) = i
nextdir :: Spiral -> Dir
nextdir (rs, i, d) = d
getrow :: Int -> [[Int]] -> Maybe [Int]
getrow i sp = if i < 0 || i >= length sp then Nothing else Just (sp!!i)
ndir :: Dir -> Dir
ndir d = if d == U then R else succ d
newsp :: Spiral
newsp = ([[1]], 0, R)
makeSpiral :: Int -> Spiral
makeSpiral i = makeSpiral' 2 newsp
where makeSpiral' j sp = if j > i
then sp
else makeSpiral' (j+1) (update j sp)
update :: Int -> Spiral -> Spiral
update i (sp, cr, d) = (sp', cr', d')
where oldrow = if (d == U && cr' == cr && cr == 0) ||
(d == D && cr' == length sp)
then []
else fromJust $ getrow cr' sp
cr' | d == L || d == R = cr
| d == U = if cr == 0 then 0 else cr-1
| otherwise = cr+1
cr'' = if d == U && cr == 0 then -1 else cr'
sp' = insertrow cr'' newrow sp
newrow = case d of
R -> oldrow++[i]
D -> oldrow++[i]
L -> i:oldrow
U -> i:oldrow
d' | d == R || d == L = if length oldrow == maximum (map length
then ndir d
else d
| d == U = if cr'' == -1 then ndir d else d
| otherwise = if cr' == length sp then ndir d else d
insertrow :: Int -> [Int] -> [[Int]] -> [[Int]]
insertrow i r rs = if i == -1 then r:rs else front++[r]++back
where (front, rest) = splitAt i rs
back = if null rest then [] else tail rest
printSpiral :: Spiral -> IO ()
printSpiral (sp, i, d) = putStrLn (concat $ intersperse "\n" (map show sp))
sumdiags :: Spiral -> Int
sumdiags (sp, i, d) = (sumdiags' 0 0 (+1)) + (sumdiags' 0 end (subtract 1))
- centre
where row1 = sp!!0
end = length row1 - 1
halfx = (length row1 `div` 2)
halfy = (length sp `div` 2)
centre = (sp!!halfy)!!halfx
sumdiags' row col f = if row == length sp
then 0
else (sp!!row)!!col + sumdiags' (row+1) (f
col) f
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