[Haskell-cafe] RFC and Announcement: HLADSPA, LADSPA for Haskell

Alfonso Acosta alfonso.acosta at gmail.com
Mon Nov 6 08:37:18 EST 2006

> > PS2: I would like to get the project hosted at the darcs repository at
> > haskell.org. Do you consider it interesting enough for it?
> Yes, definitely. Could you also please add some note to
>   http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/Libraries_and_tools/Music_and_sound

That's something I had in mind from the very beginning, but I didn't
want to add anything to the Libraries section before deciding upon
where I was going to host it.

As suggested at
I'll contact Simon Marlow to ask for it.

Can anyone confirm if wrting to simonmar _at_ microsoft _dot_ com is
the right way to reach him for his purpose? (I couldn't find any
haskell.org-specific address)

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