[Haskell-cafe] Decorating a list of strings

Brandon Moore brandonm at yahoo-inc.com
Thu Nov 2 15:20:55 EST 2006

Steve Schafer wrote:
> I have a list of text strings:
>  ["Alice", "Bob", "Cindy", "Bob", "Bob", "Dave", "Cindy"]
> As you can see, some of the strings occur only once; others appear two
> or more times.
> I would like to end up with a new list, according to the following
> rules:
> 1) If a string occurs only once in the original list, then that string
> appears unchanged in the new list.
> 2) If a string occurs more than once in the original list, then each
> occurrences of that string is "decorated" with a numerical suffix
> indicating its relative position among its peers.
> In the case of the above list, the result of applying these rules would
> be:
>  ["Alice", "Bob:1", "Cindy:1", "Bob:2", "Bob:3", "Dave", "Cindy:2"]
> So, how do we do this? The straightforward approach is to traverse the
> list twice, once to build a table of repeat counts for the different
> strings, and a second time to generate the new list, based on the old
> list plus the table of repeat counts.
It seems you only need a table of counts of the number of times
the string has occurred previously, which you can have available
on the first pass.

import Data.List
import Data.Map as Map
mark strings = snd $ mapAccumL
(\counts str ->
(Map.insertWith (+) str 1 counts,
str++maybe "" (\n -> ':':show n) (Map.lookup str counts)))

this works on your example, and also handles

["Alice", "Bob", "Cindy", "Bob", "Bob", "Dave", "Cindy"] ++ repeat "Tim"


 > Of course, it's possible to
> streamline this into a single traversal by building up a list of thunks
> at the same time as the table of repeat counts is generated, and then to
> resolve those thunks by applying them in one fell swoop to the table.
> But while this does _conceptually_ streamline the problem, it doesn't
> offer any practical improvement; it takes at least as much processing
> effort to resolve the thunks as it would to make a second pass through
> the list.
If your result data structure is sufficiently lazy, you can start forcing
some thunks before the list has been completely processed.

For example, suppose you want to instead what to tag all but the last
string in a list with an asterisk, like
["Alice", "Bob", "Cindy", "Bob", "Bob", "Dave", "Cindy"]
["Alice", "Bob*", "Cindy*", "Bob*", "Bob", "Dave", "Cindy"]

You can start to get results before the list has been processed,
if you have a set implementation with the laziness property

member x set --> Set.member x (set `union` undefined)

(you can get this if you use a trie)

Then you can use define something like

tag = foldr (\(x (xs, xsAsSet) ->
((x++if member x xsAsSet then "*" else ""):xs,
insert x xsAsSet)) empty

Then, you can force the results of examples like repeat "Ted" before
the (infinite) list has been completely scanned, as long as no value is
the last.

Maybe there's a more interesting example?


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