[Haskell-cafe]Prime Generator time limit exceeded

Dan Weston westondan at imageworks.com
Wed Nov 1 15:50:20 EST 2006

I didn't see any other replies and didn't want to leave you hanging, so...

Three hints:

1) you are testing every integer >= 2 as a divisor when you only need to 
test prime numbers <= floor(sqrt(n))

2) Since for all n > 2, floor(sqrt(n)) < n, you can use the very primes 
you are generating in the test part of the function itself, confident 
that you won't overtake your own function.

3) The function primeGenerator [start,end] seems more efficient that 
primeGenerator [2,end], but the latter is (almost) always faster, 
because you need those primes to test for primality. A dropWhile (< 
start) can trim off the unneeded junk when you're done.

4) It won't make your code any faster, but it maybe more elegant to 
lazily calculate an infinite list of primes, then truncate with 
takeWhile (<= end), if only for symmetry with dropWhile (< start)

SPOILER ALERT: I have appended two of my own solutions at the end of 
this e-mail for fun (one with list comprehensions, one in point-free 
notation). Whether you scroll down to look at them is up to you of 
course... :)

alaiyeshi wrote:
> Hi
> I'm new to Haskell.
> I found this site on the Haskell wiki https://www.spoj.pl. But I got some trouble on trying to solve the problem titled "Prime Generator" https://www.spoj.pl/problems/PRIME1.
> The online-judge system tells me "time limit excedded"
> Would you be so kind to tell me how to make it more faster? And any other suggestion is welcome.
> Thanks in advance.
> --------------------------------------Code begin------------------------------------------------------------
> module Main where
> import IO
> import List
> main = 
>     do
>          input_size<-getLine
>          content<-get_contents (read input_size)
>          mapM_ (\r-> do mapM_ (print) (primeGenerator (parse r)); putStrLn "") content
> get_contents n | n == 0 = return []
>                           | otherwise =
>                                   do
>                                        content<-getLine
>                                        rests<-get_contents (n-1)
>                                        return ([content]++rests)
> primeGenerator [start,end] =
>               [x | x<-[start..end], all (== 1) (map (gcd x) [2..(x-1)]), x/=1]
> parse s =
>     unfoldr (\x-> case x of
>                     []    -> Nothing
>                     _    -> Just (head (reads x))) s
> -------------------------------Code ends--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> (BTW: I'm new to this mailling list also, forgive my rudeness if I am, and forgive my poor English)
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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-- Just calculate the infinite list of primes (lazily),
-- then trip the range to fit
primeGenerator [start,end] = takeWhile (<= end)
                            . dropWhile (<  start)
                            $ primes

-- Pointed notation with list comprehensions
primes = (2 : [x | x <- [3,5..], isPrime x])

-- Efficient test presupposes the existence of primes
-- This works because to determine whether p is prime you only need
-- to know the primes strictly less than p (except for 2 of course!)
isPrime x = null divisors
   where divisors      = [y | y <- onlyUpToSqrtX primes, x `mod` y == 0]
         onlyUpToSqrtX = fst . span (<= sqrtX)
         sqrtX         = floor (sqrt (fromIntegral x))

-- A point-free notation, as an alternative
primes' = (2 : filter isPrime [3,5..]) -- indivisible n > 1
   where isPrime = and                  -- i.e. all are
                 . map (/= 0)           -- not equal to 0, applied to
                 . remOf                -- remainders of odd ints
                                        -- where remOf n is when you
         remOf n = map (mod n)          -- divide into n a list of
                 . flip take primes'    -- primes, but only
                 . length               -- as many as
                 . takeWhile (<= n)     -- are less than n, that is
                 . map (^ 2)            -- the square of each of the
                 $ primes'              -- primes

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