[Haskell-cafe] Newbie: Applying Unknown Number Arguments to A
Partial Function
Greg Buchholz
haskell at sleepingsquirrel.org
Tue May 30 18:15:10 EDT 2006
Aditya Siram wrote:
] I am trying to write a function 'applyArguments' which takes a
] function and a list and recursively uses element each in the list as
] an argument to the function. I want to do this for any function taking
] any number of arguments.
] applyArgument f (arg) = f arg
] applyArgument f (arg:args) = applyArgument (f arg) args
] This has failed in Hugs, so my question is: Can I conceptually do
] this? If so, what is the type signature of this function?
OK, here's a program that is similar to your applyArgument. Instead
of the arguments in a list, it stores them in a nested tuple, so that we
can have different types of arguments. You'll have to use the "-98"
option when using Hugs. Also, it doesn't seem to interact well with
type inference, so I had to provide type signatures for the function "f"
and some of the parts of "args". Anyone know of a better way to define
Apply so we could eliminate these type signatures?
> {-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-}
> class Apply x y z | x y -> z where
> apply :: x -> y -> z
> instance Apply (a->b) a b where
> apply f x = f x
> instance Apply b as c => Apply (a->b) (a,as) c where
> apply f (x,xs) = apply (f x) xs
> f :: Int -> Double -> String -> Bool -> Int
> f x y z True = x + floor y * length z
> f x y z False= x * floor y + length z
> args = (1::Int,(3.1415::Double,("flub",True)))
> main = print $ apply f args
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