[Haskell-cafe] Editors for Haskell
Doaitse Swierstra
doaitse at cs.uu.nl
Tue May 30 17:59:37 EDT 2006
On 2006 mei 30, at 17:33, Brian Hulley wrote:
> But the buffer will nearly always be incomplete as you're editing it.
> I was kind of hoping that the syntax of Haskell could be changed so
> that for
> any sequence of characters there would be a unique parse that had a
> minimum
> number of "gaps" inserted by the editor to create a complete parse
> tree, and
> moreover that this parse could be found by deterministic LL1 recursive
> descent.
If you use my parsercombinators, and are willing to work on the
grammar I think this can in principle be done. The combinators
automatically "correct" incorrect (i.e. in this case incomplete)
input, but:
- you may really need some time to tune the grammar so the
corrections are what a user might expect (there are many hooks for
doing so, but it will takje some effort, since this s also a human
interface issue)
- making a Haskell grammar that parsers top-down is not an easy
task, and making it LL1 is definitely impossible, but also not needed
if you use my combinators
- we could in principle provide you with a complete parser for
Haskell using our combinators that was tested by replacing the GHC
parser with this parser, and that worked (contact athurb at cs.uu.nl to
get a copy of his code)
- did you think about how to handle the offside rule? If not, the
good news is that we have combinators for that too.
Doaitse Swierstra
> Haskell already seems so very close to having this property - its a
> real
> pity about =>
Not only the =>, but e.g. the commonality between patterns and
expressions makes left factorisation a not so simple task.
> The problem is: when Haskell was designed, no one seems to have
> thought
> about the syntax from the point of view of making it easy to parse or
> ensuring that it would have this nice property for editing.
>>> foo :: {SomeClass a} a->a
>>> a Prelude.+ b -- no spaces in the qvarsym
>>> a `Prelude.(+)` b -- a little generalization
>>> a `Prelude.(+) b -- no need for closing `
>> I would not like an editor that forces me to use a special coding
>> style (like using brackets where not strictly necessary). Even less
>> would I like to use one that introduces non-standard syntax.
>> My humble opinion is that you'll have to bite the bullet and
>> implement
>> your syntax recognizer so that it conforms to Haskell'98 (including
>> the approved addenda) [and addtionally however many of the existing
>> extensions you'll manage to support]. It may be more difficult but in
>> the end will also be a lot more useful. And you'll have to find a way
>> to (unobtrusively!) let the user know whether some piece of code does
>> not yet have enough context to parse it unambigously.
> Thanks for the feedback - I suppose I was being overly optimistic
> to think I
> could just change the language to suit my editor ;-).
> I'll have to find a balance between what I'm able to implement and
> what is
> specified in Haskell98 (or Haskell' etc) - just as GHCi has done with
> qvarsym, and perhaps have different levels of conformance to H98 so
> people
> could choose their preferred balance between conformity and
> instantaneousness of feedback (everything would of course still be
> loaded/saved as H98).
> Regards, Brian.
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