[Haskell-cafe] (no subject)

Christophe Poucet christophe.poucet at gmail.com
Mon May 29 10:27:49 EDT 2006


I will try to explain what I'm trying to achieve, below you can find the
code demonstrating where I'm at currently, and where I would like to ideally
get, as well as the current compilation error.

Basically I'm working on a minilanguage that I would like to simulate. This
language is based on a core concept which can in the example below is "Foo".
Now there is a 'primitive' instance of Foo that is the list.
What I now want to do is make FooF an instance as well. FooF being a record
based on a map that contains some other instances of Foo by name as well as
code that will use this lookup table.

For instance (this is not definite syntax):
my pseudoproglanguage:
A = [1..10] (aka refer to the 'primitive' instance of Foo)
B = [1..10] (aka refer to the 'primitive' instance of Foo)
bar C = if dum B then bar A else bar B
dum C = dum A && dum B

I realize I need existentials for this, but I'm afraid that my type-fu is
lacking in this area. Perhaps one of you could point me in the right

With regards,


{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts #-}
module FooBar where
import qualified Data.Map as M

class Foo f b | f -> b where
foo :: f a -> b
bar :: f a -> b -> b
dum :: f a -> b -> Bool

instance Foo [] Int where
foo c = 0
bar c i = i+1
dum c i = (length c == i)

data F b a = forall f. Foo f b => F (f a)

instance Foo (F b) b where
foo (F c) = F . foo $ c
bar (F c) i = bar c i
dum (F c) i = dum c i

data FooF b a = FooF {
cols :: M.Map String (F b a),
barC :: M.Map String (F b a) -> b -> b,
dumC :: M.Map String (F b a) -> b -> Bool

instance Foo (FooF b) b where
foo c = fmap (foo) c
bar c i = barC c (cols c) i
dum c i = dumC c (cols c) i

makeFooF cols barC dumC = FooF {cols = cols, barC = barC, dumC = dumC}

-- Example:
-- makeFooF
-- [("A", [1..10]), ("B", [1..8])]
-- (\t -> if dum (M.lookup "A" t)
-- then bar (M.lookup "B" t)
-- else bar (M.lookup "A" t)
-- (\t -> dum (M.lookup "A" t) && dum (M.lookup "B" t)

-- Ideally this system would also allow to make some FooF that is based on
another FooF, hence the reason for existentials

-- FooBar.hs:19:16:
-- Couldn't match the rigid variable `b' against `F b1 a'
-- `b' is bound by the instance declaration at FooBar.hs:18:0
-- Expected type: b
-- Inferred type: F b1 a
-- In the expression: (F . foo) $ c
-- In the definition of `foo': foo (F c) = (F . foo) $ c
-- FooBar.hs:31:12:
-- Couldn't match the rigid variable `b' against `f b1'
-- `b' is bound by the instance declaration at FooBar.hs:30:0
-- Expected type: b
-- Inferred type: f b1
-- In the application `fmap (foo) c'
-- In the definition of `foo': foo c = fmap (foo) c
-- Failed, modules loaded: none.

Christophe Poucet
Ph.D. Student
Phone:+32 16 28 87 20
E-mail: Christophe (dot) Poucet (at) imec (dot) be
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