[Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] installing streams library

Jeremy Shaw jeremy.shaw at linspireinc.com
Sun May 21 16:20:54 EDT 2006


I really wanted to respond to the parent thread, but I deleted it
already, so this message will be a bit out of context.

For my own needs, I cabalized and debianized the Streams library. It
generates binary debs for ghc6 and hugs -- but I think the hugs
version is broken. In any case, it is a start, you can download the
packaging at:


That tarball contains only the packaging -- you just untar it over top
of an existing 'Streams' directory that already contains the source. I
have only done minimal testing on it.

Cabal Question:

The streams library uses cpphs to do some preprocessing. There is a
hugs specific Makefile that invokes cpphs with the command-line:

cpphs --noline -D__HUGS__ -D__HUGS_VERSION__=2005 -DSIZEOF_HSINT=4 -DSIZEOF_HSWORD=4

I tried adding the -D stuff to the cc-includes section of the .cabal
file, but that caused the ghc6 build to start failing. Is there an
easy way to specify flags that should only be used with cpphs and only
when building hugs? Or is this one of those cases when I need to use
some of the fancy hook features of cabal?


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