[Haskell-cafe] GNUPlot (Was: Troubles with FFI)

Henning Thielemann lemming at henning-thielemann.de
Tue May 16 05:11:01 EDT 2006

On Mon, 15 May 2006, SevenThunders wrote:

> I'd consider linux, but I don't have linux licenses for Matlab or Maple and
> I have to interface to the corporate MS world.  Thus my 'solution'  will be
> to make a very light weight matrix class that only pulls in a few BLAS and
> Lapack routines coupled with a few file based routines with gnuplot as the
> output, or perhaps pathon _ gnuplot as the output.  With any luck I'll be
> able to open source that, if it does anybody any good.

I have a wrapper for basic GNUPlot control:

> After that I need to automate document creation from the output of math
> simulations.  I'll use Latex as the engine for that.  It's something I've
> done before to great effect.

lhs2TeX can be of help for starting Haskell computations and integrating
the results into the document.

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