[Haskell-cafe] Re: Haskell-Cafe Digest, Vol 33, Issue 9

Alberto G. Corona agocorona at gmail.com
Thu May 11 14:17:12 EDT 2006

I´m trying to make a searchable transactional cache using STM. The
whole idea is to use indexed TVar variables using a FiniteMap. another
TVar holds the finitemap . This last TVar has to be a global variable.
I found that when handled as global, a TVar does not keep the state.
For example:

stmcache= newTVar 0

main= do
        v<- val
        v<- val
        print v

val = atomically $! do
                               cache <- stmcache
		x <- readTVar  cache
		writeTVar cache (x+1)
		return x

this code print 0 instead of 1 as the result of incrementing cache and
retrieving it the second time

The same happens with:

iocache= atomically $ newTVar 0 `debug` "newTVar"

main= do
       v<- val
       v<- val
       print v

val = do
        cache<- iocache
        atomically $! do
             x <- readTVar cache
             writeTVar cache (x+1)
        return x

here i used a IO TVar  global instead of a  STM TVar

This other version , that passes TVar as parameter, does work:

iocache= atomically $ newTVar 0 `debug` "newTVar"

main= do
       v<- val cache
       v<- val cache
       print v

val cache=
       atomically $! do
       x <- readTVar cache
       writeTVar cache (x+1)

I need the global version since the cache acces may be in any location
on the program....

Anyone know a solution using STM? The MVar version works OK, but
blocking the entire index is not the best solution....

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