[Haskell-cafe] Parsec operator with letter problem
Daniel Fischer
daniel.is.fischer at web.de
Fri Mar 31 18:14:39 EST 2006
Am Freitag, 31. März 2006 15:24 schrieb Daniel Fischer:
> Hi,
> probably somebody else has already come up with something better, but
> still...
> I surmise that you have two kinds of infix-operators,
> 1. dot-like operators, made up entirely of symbols (^!$%&/\,.:;#+-~* ...)
> 2. LaTeX-command-like operators, starting with a backslash and then
> followed by a nonempty sequence of letters (or possibly alphanumeric
> characters).
> Then the following helps:
> import Data.Char (isAlpha)
> lexer = lexer0{P.reservedOp = rOp}
> where
> lexer0 = P.makeTokenParser testdef
> resOp0 = P.reservedOp lexer0
> resOp1 name =
> case name of
> ('\\':cs@(_:_))
> | all isAlpha cs -> do string name
> notFollowedBy letter <?>
> ("end of " ++ show name)
> _ -> fail (show name ++ " no good reservedOp")
> rOp name = lexeme $ try $ resOp0 name <|> resOp1 name
> lexeme p = do { x <- p; P.whiteSpace lexer0; return x }
Noho, that's not right, that parses "a\inn" as
InfixExpr OP_In (Ident "a") (Ident "n"),
because resOp1 is never used, which we don't want, so:
lexer = lexer0{P.reservedOp = rOp}
lexer0 = P.makeTokenParser testdef
resOp0 = P.reservedOp lexer0
resOp1 name = do string name
notFollowedBy letter <?> ("end of " ++ show name)
rOp name = lexeme $ try $
case name of
('\\':cs@(_:_)) | all isAlpha cs -> resOp1 name
_ -> resOp0 name
lexeme p = do { x <- p; P.whiteSpace lexer0; return x }
dafis at linux:~/Documents/haskell/Reto> cat input
dafis at linux:~/Documents/haskell/Reto> reto input
InfixExpr OP_Dot (Ident "a") (Ident "n")
dafis at linux:~/Documents/haskell/Reto> cat input
dafis at linux:~/Documents/haskell/Reto> reto input
Ident "a"
dafis at linux:~/Documents/haskell/Reto> cat input
a\in n
dafis at linux:~/Documents/haskell/Reto> reto input
InfixExpr OP_In (Ident "a") (Ident "n")
That's better.
> testdef = emptyDef
> { P.identStart = letter <|> char '_'
> , P.identLetter = alphaNum <|> char '_'
> , P.opStart = oneOf $ nub $
> map (\s -> head s) $ P.reservedOpNames testdef
> -- , P.opLetter = oneOf (concat (P.reservedOpNames testdef))
> , P.opLetter = oneOf symbs
> , P.reservedOpNames = [ ".", "\\in" ] }
> where
> symbs = filter (not . isAlpha) . concat $ P.reservedOpNames testdef
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> dafis at linux:~/Documents/haskell/Reto> cat input
> a.n
> dafis at linux:~/Documents/haskell/Reto> reto input
> InfixExpr OP_Dot (Ident "a") (Ident "n")
> If you have more complicated infix operators (e.g. \foo#bar:, :ouch:),
> it won't be so easy, anyway, you have to change the definition of
> reservedOp.
> Cheers,
> Daniel
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