[Haskell-cafe] Re: Reading files efficiently

Pete Chown 1 at 234.cx
Mon Mar 20 10:04:12 EST 2006

Donald Bruce Stewart wrote:

> a) Compile your code with GHC instead of interpreting it. GHC is blazing fast.

That's one answer I suppose!  I quite liked using Hugs for that 
particular program because it's a script that I didn't want to spend 
time compiling.  Oh well, it's not that important.

I did notice that the script runs much quicker with runghc rather than 
runhugs.  Is there any way of making runghc work with a script whose 
name doesn't end ".hs"?

> b) If not satisifed with the result, Use packed strings (as python does).

Good suggestion, thanks.


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