[Haskell-cafe] how would this be done? type classes? existential types?

Ross Paterson ross at soi.city.ac.uk
Thu Mar 16 09:24:50 EST 2006

On Thu, Mar 16, 2006 at 12:57:54PM +0100, Matthias Fischmann wrote:
> i have a type class that looks something like this:
>   class Resource a where
>     resourceName      :: a -> String
>     resourceAdvance   :: a -> a
>     resourceStarved   :: a -> Bool
>     resourceSpend     :: a -> Int -> a
>     resourceEarn      :: a -> Int -> a
> resource types are rice, crude oil, pizza, software code, and so on.
> they all have a different internal structure and the same abstract
> interface, that's why i have defined this type class.
> now i want to create a list of a type similar to
>   [r1, r2, r3] :: (Resource a) => [a]
> but with r1 being pizza, r2 being crude oil, and so on.

The existential is equivalent to a recursive type, as in this solution
(in Haskell 98):

data ResourceProperties a = ResourceProperties {
	resourceName      :: String,
	resourceAdvance   :: a,
	resourceStarved   :: Bool,
	resourceSpend     :: Int -> a,
	resourceEarn      :: Int -> a

instance Functor ResourceProperties where
	fmap f p = ResourceProperties {
		resourceName	= resourceName p,
		resourceAdvance = f (resourceAdvance p),
		resourceStarved = resourceStarved p,
		resourceSpend	= f . resourceSpend p,
		resourceEarn	= f . resourceEarn p

class Resource a where
	resourceProperties :: a -> ResourceProperties a

newtype Rs = Rs (ResourceProperties Rs)

instance Resource Rs where
	resourceProperties (Rs r) = r

mkRs :: Resource a => a -> Rs
mkRs = Rs . fmap mkRs . resourceProperties

There won't be an unRs.

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