[Haskell-cafe] Re: request for code review

Malcolm Wallace Malcolm.Wallace at cs.york.ac.uk
Tue Mar 14 15:11:30 EST 2006

"Shannon -jj Behrens" <jjinux at gmail.com> writes:

> o How important is it that I switch from using the State monad to
>   using arrows?

Not at all.

> o How important is it that I switch from using |> or $ to using
>   arrows?

Not at all.

> (It seems that using arrows just to replace |> or $ is like
> using a sledge hammer to drive a thumb tack.)

Exactly so.

> o How much will this increase the "conceptual complexity" of my
>   program--i.e. how much time am I going to have to spend explaining it
>   in my article?

By a significant amount.  Some might even argue that using monads is
overkill...  (Although in this case monads may indeed be justified.)

> o How much will this improve the readability or decrease the amount of
>   code in my program?

Not at all.

> Thanks!

Not at all!  :-)


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