[Haskell-cafe] Re: Can't uninstall GHC or prepare SOE installation on OS X

Xavier Elizalde elizalde at bigpond.net.au
Thu Mar 9 10:21:34 EST 2006

Hi Wolfgang,

Thanks heaps for replying. I'm just starting to read the books on  
Haskell, which is why I don't know much about setting it up. I had a  
brief introduction to it a couple of years ago, and I only used it in  
text mode, so I wasn't even aware it could do graphics. I barely  
remember any of it, and I didn't have to do the installation as well,  
as it was in a computer lab for a course. From what I've seen in the  
mailing lists, it can do graphics very well.

> What files? I don't have the book, so all I can tell you is that  
> GHC includes a library module by the name of Graphics.SOE.

The binary Installation section for OS X (www.haskell.org/soe/ 
software.htm) says it installs hugs libs into /usr/local/lib/hugs,  
and what I see for GHC uses /usr/local/lib/ghc-6.4.1. I presumed both  
hugs and GHC needed to use the same libs in the same directory. That  
page also says that it uses something called GraphicsLib. Is  
GraphicsLib the same as Graphics SOE? Correct me if I'm wrong, but  
from the sounds of it, GHC can be used for the SOE book just fine,  
especially if it has a library module named Graphics SOE.

> The SOE binaries use hugs, and should therefore be completely  
> independent of GHC, no uninstalling required.

I also thought that I couldn't install the SOE software and GHC at  
the same time- I thought it would cause some sort of conflict, and I  
thought I could only use one or the other. So I thought I should  
uninstall GHC before SOE. But since GHC is the more recent release of  
a Haskell compiler, I'll try to use that and install and use SOE if I  
have any problems. Thanks for clarifying things.


On 09/03/2006, at 3:04 AM, Wolfgang Thaller wrote:

> Xavier Elizalde wrote:
>> Hi. I sent this post to the haskell-cafe mailing list but haven't  
>> gotten any replies.
> Ah well, I watch that list in digest mode only, easy to overlook  
> things.
>> Basically, I can't get the Uninstall AppleScript for GHC 6.4.1to  
>> run properly because it encounters an error.
> Oops. I *thought* I had tested that to death.
> Anyway, for manual removal:
> /usr/local/lib/ghc-6.4.1	(the big part; if disk space is all you're  
> after, stop here)
> In /usr/local/bin/:
> ghc, ghc-6.4.1, ghc-pkg, ghc-pkg-6.4.1, ghci, ghci-6.4.1, ghcprof,  
> hasktags, hp2ps, hsc2hs, runghc, runhaskell, stat2resid
> in /Libraries/Receipts:
> Some GHC-*.pkg file, I suspect now that it's called GHC-6.4.1.pkg
> /Library/Frameworks/GMP.framework	(do not delete this unless you do  
> not want to ever run any GHC-compiled program again until you re- 
> install GHC).
>> I have the Haskell School of Expression book and want to try out  
>> the examples in the book that make use of X11 for graphics, and I  
>> don't know how to use GHC 6.4.1 for the SOE book examples. I  
>> thought it would be easiest to just uninstall it then install the  
>> SOE binaries for OS X.
> The SOE binaries use hugs, and should therefore be completely  
> independent of GHC, no uninstalling required.
>> But if GHC 6.4.1 works fine for the SOE book examples and is  
>> better than the SOE install, I'd like to use that, although I  
>> don't know how to get it to work with X11. Do you have any idea on  
>> what I should do?
> Start your programs from an xterm.
> If you want to use GHCi, set
> export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/X11R6/lib/
> before starting ghci in the xterm.
>> I have The Haskell School of Expression book and the
>> instructions for setting up and running the SOE software seem to have
>> a different configuration compared to GHC 6.4.1. Namely, it's meant
>> to use X11 and locations for files are different.
> What files? I don't have the book, so all I can tell you is that  
> GHC includes a library module by the name of Graphics.SOE.
>> Or does the GHC already
>> have GraphicsLIb as part of it? If so, shouldn't it launch an X11
>> Xterm terminal rather than the standard OS X Terminal?
> Shouldn't it launch...? Are you referring to the AppleScript for  
> launching GHCi?
> If so, then no, for two reasons:
> a) X11 is an optional install on Mac OS X, so many people don't  
> have it.
> b) The standard Terminal is a lot more convenient to use than an  
> xterm, and most people don't need/want to use X11 for their Haskell  
> programs.
> So good luck with SOE, if there are any more problems, ask me.
> Cheers,
> Wolfgang

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