[Haskell-cafe] Lists of Lists

Sebastian Sylvan sebastian.sylvan at gmail.com
Wed Mar 8 08:05:46 EST 2006

On 3/8/06, zell_ffhut <zell_ffhut at hotmail.com> wrote:
> I've tried using the Concat and ++ functions, but to no avail so far.
> Imagine the strings are set out in a 9x9 grid type way, and i have to find
> the value of a set position given 2 gird values.
> > getCharFromGrid (row,col) g = concat g !!(row * 9) + col
> The decleration is
> > getCharFromGrid :: Position -> Grid -> Char
> Any ideas why its not working?

Well, did you try:

getCharFromGrid (row,col) g = concat g !! (row * 9 + col)

(what you wrote would extract the col*9'th element and then add col to
that element)

Or how about:

getCharFromGrid (row,col) g = g !! row !! col

Sebastian Sylvan
UIN: 44640862

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