[Haskell-cafe] Can't uninstall GHC or prepare SOE installation on OS X

Xavier Elizalde elizalde at bigpond.net.au
Tue Mar 7 10:39:24 EST 2006

I've installed the Glasgow Haskell Compiler 6.4.1 for OS X on my  
system. I have The Haskell School of Expression book and the  
instructions for setting up and running the SOE software seem to have  
a different configuration compared to GHC 6.4.1. Namely, it's meant  
to use X11 and locations for files are different. I presume the  
easiest thing to do is uninstall GHC 6.4.1 and install the binaries  
available on the SOE site. I've attempted to run the uninstall  
AppleScript for GHC, but I get a "Finder got an error: Can't get item  
"GHC-6.4.pkg" of folder "Receipts" of folder "Library" of startup  
disk. (-1728)" error.

What should I do? If I'm going to uninstall it by hand, I don't know  
which files need to be removed. And I also wonder if it is actually  
preferable to somehow keep GHC and just configure it to work with the  
SOE by installing the GraphicsLib library and getting it to use X11.  
And I'm not clear about how I should do that. Or does the GHC already  
have GraphicsLIb as part of it? If so, shouldn't it launch an X11  
Xterm terminal rather than the standard OS X Terminal?


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