[Haskell-cafe] mediawiki syntax highlighting plugins

Jason Dagit dagit at eecs.oregonstate.edu
Wed Mar 1 03:11:13 EST 2006

On 2/28/06, Johannes Ahlmann <softpro at gmx.net> wrote:
> hi,
> i've noted that the new haskellwiki has dropped syntax highlighting
> support for haskell code fragments. while i think that full highlighting
> might be overkill, at least different color markup of code and comments
> would certainly be nice.
> investigating the options for syntax highlighting in mediawiki i found
> the following two extensions using GNU enscript:
> http://www.wickle.com/wiki/index.php/Syntax_Highlight_extension

I'm no fan of enscript.  I tried it in the past and found it to be lacking.

> http://www.milab.is.tsukuba.ac.jp/~bushuhui/index.php?title=Enhanced_syntax_highlight_extension_for_MediaWiki
> where the second is an alteration of the first, with haskell support
> already added.
> an alternative would be geshi (http://qbnz.com/highlighter/) for which a
> mediawiki plugin also exists
> (http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/GeSHiHighlight), but it says on the
> geshi site "GeSHi supports PHP5 and Windows". and i'm not clear whether
> they mean it _also_ supports those options or exclusively.

It works in linux with php4 I know this because my website uses it:

I haven't gotten around to sending a copy to the geshi devs.  Feel
free to hackup the version I have, replace my name in the comments,
send it in the geshi devs or whatever :)   I just hope someone finds
it useful.  It's probably a bit buggy.  For one thing, I have a bug
that prevents symbols from getting highlighted correctly.


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