[Haskell-cafe] how to write an haskell binding

Brian Hulley brianh at metamilk.com
Tue Jun 27 13:35:21 EDT 2006

lennart at augustsson.net wrote:
> Quoting Brian Hulley <brianh at metamilk.com>:
>> It is defnitely *a* haskell. There is actually no word in English
>> with a silent 'h', though this statement is unfortunately
>> controversial and news to whoever wrote the spell checker used in
>> many printed publications.
> "There is no English word with a silrnt 'h'"... What kind of English
> do you speak?
> What about words like 'hour' and 'honest'?

Ok apologies for forgetting about these 2 words (and their derivatives) - I 
agree they do have a silent 'h'.
I suppose they are the exception that proves the rule... :-)

Regards, Brian.

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