[Haskell-cafe] Re: Functional progr., infinity, and the Universe
voigt.16734551 at bloglines.com
voigt.16734551 at bloglines.com
Fri Jun 23 11:45:49 EDT 2006
--- paul.hudak at yale.edu wrote:
voigt.16734551 at bloglines.com wrote:
> 1:_|_
is certainly finite. In what sense is it not?
I see that point. I have
been using "finite" as, by convention, equal to "total and finite". And so
have others. As always with convention, one can argue. I won't, of course.
> Sorry, see my reply to Bill Wood.
Yes, saw that later.
> distinguishes
what are called "interesting" elements from other elements
> (if I recall
the terminology correctly).
Interesting ;-)
Ciao, Janis.
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