[Haskell-cafe] newbie type signature question

Brandon Moore brandonm at yahoo-inc.com
Fri Jun 9 15:49:09 EDT 2006

Sorry, I meant to send this to the whole list.

Brock Peabody wrote:
> Please excuse my newbiness, but in this snippet:
>    data (Monad m) => DataType m = DataType { f :: Char -> m () }
>    test_function :: (Monad m) => DataType m -> m ()
>                     ^^^^^^^^^^^^
>    test_function d =  f d 'C'
> Why is "(Monad m) =>" required, when the definition of DataType already
> implies it?  Is there an easier way to do this or will I have to have it
> in all signatures containing DataType?

Because class constraints on data types are a bit silly. It just
restricts the types of the constructors so you can only apply them if m
is a Monad. It doesn't actually package up the evidance that m is a
monad inside the value to make this stuff work.

Existential types do package up the class instance in the value, but
they hide the type.

data Showable = forall a . (Show a) => Showable a
showShowable :: Showable -> String
showShowable (Showable x) = show x

Getting them both is tricky, but you can do it if you use a GADT to
write a type that means "exists a such that a = m and a is a Monad":

{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-}
data TyEq (a :: * -> *) (b :: * -> *) where
   Refl :: TyEq a a

data DataType m = forall m' . (Monad m') => DataType (TyEq m m') (Char
-> m' ())

buildDataType :: (Monad m) => (Char -> m ()) -> DataType m
buildDataType = DataType Refl

test_function :: DataType m -> m ()
test_function (DataType Refl f) = f 'C'

-- try let x = buildDataType putChar
--     :t x
--     :t test_function
--     test_function x


> Thanks,
> Brock
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