[Haskell-cafe] StablePtr's and castStablePtrToPtr

DeeJay-G615 deejay at g615.co.uk
Tue Jul 25 22:16:54 EDT 2006

I have a query which is asked out of interest's sake...

I'm essentially looking for an affirmation of what I think I already 
understand (or some info if I'm deluded ;)).

To put this in context...

I have some C code...

   typedef int func(void *);

   void from_maybe_int(void *val, func *my_func)
     int i;
     i = my_func(val);
     printf("value within C: %d\n", i);

And some Haskell code...

   type FromMaybeInt = StablePtr (Maybe Int) -> IO CInt

   foreign import ccall "wrapper"
           wrapFromMaybeInt :: FromMaybeInt
                            -> IO (FunPtr FromMaybeInt)

   foreign import ccall "from_maybe_int"
           cFromMaybeInt :: StablePtr (Maybe Int)
                         -> FunPtr GetJust
                         -> IO ()

   functionToPass :: FromMaybeInt
   functionToPass sPtr = do
     m <- deRefStablePtr sPtr
     case m of
       Nothing -> return (-1)
       Just i -> return (fromIntegral i)

   main :: IO ()
   main = do sPtr <- newStablePtr (Just 3) -- for example
             funPtr <- wrapFromMaybeInt functionToPass
             cFromMaybeInt sPtr funPtr
             freeStablePtr sPtr

The compiled program works fine. However I wanted to check this was 
correct usage. As in, is perfectly fine to pass a value of type 
StablePtr a into C?

Am I correct in thinking that StablePtr is defined as a void pointer in 
C? From my very limited understanding of C, it is also the case that you 
can implicitly cast a void pointer to any other pointer type and 
vice-versa. Some appear to deem it bad practice if you explictly give 
the cast.

So therefore I am somewhat hazy on the use for castStablePtrToPtr. I 
found the ghc docs to be quite cryptic for this function.

Google dug up a few examples of it's use in PUGS... which has lead me to 
think that the function is purely for type 'convience' in Haskell. Is 
this the case or am I missing a use case here?

Disclaimer: My knowledge and experience of C is somewhat limited. 
Ironically I have started playing with C by way of Haskell. (Sick and 
twisted I know).

Thanks, Daniel James

P.S.  I must say, I really like the Haskell FFI. Very clean and 
enjoyable to work with.

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