[Haskell-cafe] process simulation in functional style
Nicolas Frisby
nicolas.frisby at gmail.com
Sun Jul 16 11:12:15 EDT 2006
You might discover helpful techniques by searching for these
- "functional reactive programming" (e.g. Yampa project)
- "resumption monad" (e.g. "Cheap but Functional Threads")
- concurrent Haskell extensions
- or even comonads (e.g. "Essence of Dataflow")
The "activation energy" to be invested in each technique is likely
considerable, but that's the fun part, right?
Hope that helps,
On 7/16/06, Alexander Vodomerov <alex at sectorb.msk.ru> wrote:
> Hello!
> I'm writing a program that simulates multiple processes. The processes may
> send/receive messages, do some work, or sleep for some amount of time.
> I have seen that many such things can be expressed in Haskell in very
> elegant manner using it functional or lazy properties. For example,
> client/server interaction may be expressed via inifinite lists as shown
> in "Gentle Introduction to Haskell". Another way of process simulation
> is describied in http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/harcourt95extensible.html,
> where simple and concise CCS interperter is constructed.
> I've tried to apply the idea of infinite lists or CCS-style processes,
> but fail. The main reason is that:
> 1) messages are asynchronous (it may be received and handled while
> process are sleeping, without waking them)
> 2) in some cases received message may wake up process
> 3) all activity in system is ordered by time
> 4) there are >2 process and during simulations new processes may be
> created
> I've no idea how to implement 1, 2 in CCS interpeter.
> The approach of infinite lists seems to have problems with 3, 4.
> Have somebody any ideas how this can be solved in simple and concise way?
> With best regards,
> Alexander.
> PS. Currently I have some code (see below), but it is VERY UGLY. The
> main drawback is that is very "imperative". It employs notion of "Global
> state". It doesn't use features of Haskell and can be rewritten in ML
> or C++ without changes. Another flaws is that it is very unextensible,
> and all processes must have the same state.
> -- example code
> latency = 0.001
> type Message = String
> type MsgM = WriterT [(Int, Message)] IO -- process may send messages
> -- process states
> next id = (id + 1) `mod` 3
> type State = (Int, Int, Double) -- proc. number, counter, interval
> do_step :: State -> MsgM (Double, State) --- do something and then sleep
> do_step (id, cnt, delay) = do
> tell [(next id, "ping " ++ show id ++ " cnt " ++ show cnt)]
> return (delay, (id, cnt + 1, delay))
> handle_message :: Message -> State -> MsgM State
> handle_message msg (id, cnt, delay) = do
> -- liftIO $ putStrLn $ show id ++ " received msg " ++ msg
> if msg !! 0 == 'p' then tell [(next id, "reply " ++ show id ++ " to " ++ msg)] else return ()
> return (id, cnt, delay)
> -- global event queue
> data Event = MsgRecv Message | Work deriving Show
> type EventQueue = [(Double, Int, Event)]
> compare_event (t1, n1, e1) (t2, n2, e2) = compare t1 t2
> type EventM = WriterT EventQueue IO
> queue_event :: Int -> Event -> Double -> EventM ()
> queue_event dest ev time = tell [(time, dest, ev)]
> type FullState = Map.Map Int State
> handle_event :: Int -> Double -> Event -> FullState -> EventM FullState
> handle_event procnum time ev fullstate = do
> let localstate = (fullstate Map.! procnum)
> case ev of
> MsgRecv msg -> do
> (nstate, messages) <- lift $ runWriterT (handle_message msg localstate)
> sequence_ $ map (\(dst, msg) -> queue_event dst (MsgRecv msg) (time + latency)) messages
> return $ Map.insert procnum nstate fullstate
> Work -> do
> ((pause, nstate), messages) <- lift $ runWriterT (do_step localstate)
> sequence_ $ map (\(dst, msg) -> queue_event dst (MsgRecv msg) (time + latency)) messages
> queue_event procnum Work (time + pause)
> return $ Map.insert procnum nstate fullstate
> run_queue :: FullState -> EventQueue -> IO ()
> run_queue st eventqueue =
> case eventqueue of
> [] -> return ()
> (time, dest, ev) : rest -> do
> putStrLn $ "processing event " ++ (showFFloat (Just 3) time) "" ++ " at procnum " ++ show dest ++ " " ++ show ev
> (nst, nev) <- runWriterT (handle_event dest time ev st)
> let nqueue = foldl (\res -> \e -> insertBy compare_event e res) rest nev
> run_queue nst nqueue
> init_state = Map.fromList [(0, (0, 0, 0.3)), (1, (1, 0, 0.4)), (2, (2, 0, 0.5))]
> main = run_queue init_state [(0, 0, Work), (0, 1, Work)]
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