[Haskell-cafe] Re: Why is Day and Month bounded?

Chris Kuklewicz haskell at list.mightyreason.com
Fri Jul 14 06:03:39 EDT 2006

Try this:

> module Cycle (Cyclic(..)) where
> import System.Time
> import Data.Word
> import Data.Int
> class (Eq c,Enum c, Bounded c) => Cyclic c where
>     cyclePeriod :: c -> Int
>     cyclePeriod _ = fromEnum (maxBound :: c) - fromEnum (minBound :: c) + 1
>     succCycle :: c -> c
>     succCycle c | c == maxBound = minBound
>                 | otherwise = succ c
>     predCycle :: c-> c
>     predCycle c | c == minBound = maxBound
>                 | otherwise = pred c
>     fromCycle :: c -> Int
>     fromCycle = fromEnum
>     toCycle :: Int -> c
>     toCycle = toEnum . (`mod` (cyclePeriod (undefined::c)))
>     cycleFrom :: c -> [c]
>     cycleFrom x = map toCycle [fromCycle x ..]
>     cycleFromTo :: c -> c -> [c]
>     cycleFromTo x y = let xi = fromCycle x
>                           yi = fromCycle y
>                           zi = if xi > yi then yi + cyclePeriod (undefined::c)
>                                           else yi
>                       in map toCycle [xi .. zi]
>     cycleFromThen :: c -> c -> [c]
>     cycleFromThen x y = let xi = fromCycle x
>                             yi = fromCycle y
>                         in map toCycle [xi, yi ..]
>     cycleFromThenTo :: c -> c -> c -> [c]
>     cycleFromThenTo x y z = let 
>         c = cyclePeriod (undefined::c)
>         xi = fromCycle x; yi = fromCycle y; zi = fromCycle z
>         zi' = if xi <= yi
>                 then if yi <= zi 
>                        then zi
>                        else zi + c
>                 else if zi <= yi
>                        then zi
>                        else zi - c
>         in map toCycle [xi, yi .. zi']
> instance Cyclic Day
> instance Cyclic Month
> instance Cyclic Bool
> instance Cyclic ()
> instance Cyclic Ordering
> instance Cyclic Int
> instance Cyclic Char
> instance Cyclic Int8 	-- Imported from GHC.Int
> instance Cyclic Int64 	-- Imported from GHC.Int
> instance Cyclic Int32 	-- Imported from GHC.Int
> instance Cyclic Int16 	-- Imported from GHC.Int
> instance Cyclic Word8 	-- Imported from GHC.Word
> instance Cyclic Word64 	-- Imported from GHC.Word
> instance Cyclic Word32 	-- Imported from GHC.Word
> instance Cyclic Word16 	-- Imported from GHC.Word

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