[Haskell-cafe] Comma in the front
Robert Dockins
robdockins at fastmail.fm
Thu Jul 13 10:09:00 EDT 2006
On Jul 12, 2006, at 9:18 PM, Joel Reymont wrote:
> Are cool kids supposed to put the comma in front like this?
> , foo
> , bar
> , baz
> Is this for historical or other reasons because Emacs formats
> Haskell code well enough regardless.
> Thanks, Joel
I personally like this style. It's a little hard to say why, but let
me attempt. I think it's related to layout. Layout trained me to
regard the end of lines as uninteresting, and the beginning as
interesting. Thus, I forget to put separators at the ends of lines
(freedom from the tyranny of the semicolon!), but I always notice if
a comma or semicolon is missing at the beginning of a line. Its very
obvious because they're all aligned vertically and, as I said,
Haskell trains you to notice the leading edges of lines if you use
layout. It also makes it very visually obvious where the list/tuple/
do block ends when you line up the brackets with the separators.
IMO the patch/diff/darcs issue is a red herring. It sounds like an
after the fact justification to me.
Rob Dockins
Speak softly and drive a Sherman tank.
Laugh hard; it's a long way to the bank.
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