[Haskell-cafe] Progress on shootout entries
Iavor Diatchki
iavor.diatchki at gmail.com
Tue Jan 3 19:05:17 EST 2006
Here is a short (16 lines) and readable Haskell'98 solution.
I haven't optimized it or tested it much.
When compiled with ghc(6.4.1) -O2, it takes about 10s to compute the
answer for 9,
on my P3 366MHz machine. It seems to use about 16K of memory.
import System(getArgs)
flop xs@(x:_) = reverse (take x xs) ++ drop x xs
flops xs = takeWhile ((1 /=) . head) (iterate flop xs)
perms xs = foldr (concatMap . ins) [[]] xs
ins x [] = [[x]]
ins x (y:ys) = (x:y:ys) : map (y:) (ins x ys)
pfannkuchen x = maximum (map (length . flops) (perms [1..x]))
main = do a:_ <- getArgs
let n = read a :: Int
putStrLn (unlines (map show (take 30 (perms [1..n]))))
print (pfannkuchen n)
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