[Haskell-cafe] Help with "shootout"
Joel Reymont
joelr1 at gmail.com
Tue Jan 3 06:37:09 EST 2006
It seems like the real difference between TChan and the Ch code below
is that TChan is, basically, [TVar a] whereas Ch is MVar [a], plus
the order is guaranteed for a TChan.
Now why would it matter so much speed-wise?
This is the CVS code. newTChanIO is exported but undocumented in GHC
6.4.1. I'm not sure what purpose it serves.
-- | 'TChan' is an abstract type representing an unbounded FIFO channel.
data TChan a = TChan (TVar (TVarList a)) (TVar (TVarList a))
type TVarList a = TVar (TList a)
data TList a = TNil | TCons a (TVarList a)
newTChan :: STM (TChan a)
newTChan = do
hole <- newTVar TNil
read <- newTVar hole
write <- newTVar hole
return (TChan read write)
newTChanIO :: IO (TChan a)
newTChanIO = do
hole <- newTVarIO TNil
read <- newTVarIO hole
write <- newTVarIO hole
return (TChan read write)
writeTChan :: TChan a -> a -> STM ()
writeTChan (TChan _read write) a = do
listend <- readTVar write -- listend == TVar pointing to TNil
new_listend <- newTVar TNil
writeTVar listend (TCons a new_listend)
writeTVar write new_listend
readTChan :: TChan a -> STM a
readTChan (TChan read _write) = do
listhead <- readTVar read
head <- readTVar listhead
case head of
TNil -> retry
TCons a tail -> do
writeTVar read tail
return a
On Jan 3, 2006, at 11:25 AM, Chris Kuklewicz wrote:
> The latest Ch code is very very short:
>> {- Ch : fast unordered channel implementation -}
>> newtype Ch a = Ch (MVar [a], MVar a)
>> newCh = liftM2 (,) (newMVar []) newEmptyMVar >>= return.Ch
>> readCh (Ch (w,r)) = takeMVar w >>= \lst ->
>> case lst of (x:xs) -> putMVar w xs >> return x
>> [] -> putMVar w [] >> takeMVar r
>> writeCh (Ch (w,r)) x = do
>> ok <- tryPutMVar r x -- opportunistic, helps for this problem
>> unless ok $ takeMVar w >>= \lst -> do
>> ok <- tryPutMVar r x -- safe inside take/put
>> putMVar w $ if ok then lst else (x:lst)
> It could be used in general purpose code, note the parametric type "a"
> in "Ch a". It makes absolutely no guarantees about the order of
> values.
> That means that the order they are written is unlikely to be the
> order
> in which they are read. Writes to the channel are non-blocking and
> the
> "MVar [a]" holds some items waiting to be read (in LIFO order).
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