[Haskell-cafe] My piece of an IRC bot
ihope127 at gmail.com
Tue Feb 28 20:06:23 EST 2006
Today I started on a simple IRC bot framework thingy. I decided to
post the source code here so people can look at it and tell me what
the heck I did wrong :-P
> module IRC where
> import Control.Monad.State
> import System.IO
> import Network
> {----------------------}{------------------------------------------------------}
> data IRCMessage = IRCMessage (Maybe String) String [String]
> type IRCBot a = IRCMessage -> State a [IRCMessage]
> type IRCConnection a = IRCBot a -> IO ()
> ircConnect :: String -> Integer -> a -> IRCConnection a
> ircConnect server port
> state bot = withSocketsDo (do
> connection <- connectTo server (PortNumber (fromInteger port))
> ircLoop connection state bot)
> ircLoop connection state
> bot = do
> eof <- hIsEOF connection
> if eof then hWaitForInput connection 500 >> return () else do
> message <- hGetLine connection
> hPutStr connection (fst (runState (bot (ircParseMessage message)) state) >>=
> decodeMessage)
> ircLoop connection (snd (runState (bot (ircParseMessage message)) state))
> bot
> -- Oh noes. Let's hope we'll never, ever have to read that ;-)
> {-End I/O capable code-}{------------------------------------------------------}
> ircParseMessage x = let rx = filter (/='\r') x
> (p:u:us) = words rx in
> if (head p) == ':' then IRCMessage (Just p) u
> (ircParseParams us)
> else IRCMessage Nothing p (ircParseParams (u:us))
> ircParseParams (x:xs) = if head x == ':' then [unwords (x:xs)]
> else x : ircParseParams xs
> decodeMessage (IRCMessage
> Nothing command params)= (command ++ ' ' : unwords (init params) ++ ' ' :
> (':' : last params))
> decodeMessage
> (IRCMessage (Just
> prefix) command params)= ((':' : prefix) ++ ' ' : command ++ ' ' : unwords
> (init params) ++ (':' : last params))
> {-Thus ends the IRCbot-}{------------------------------------------------------}
The very simple bot I've been trying to run with it:
> module Main where
> import IRC
> import Control.Monad.State
> {----------------------}{------------------------------------------------------}
> main = ircConnect "brown.freenode.net" 6667 False bot
> bot _ = State (\x -> if x then ([],True) else (
> [IRCMessage Nothing "NICK" ["EagleBot"],
> IRCMessage Nothing "USER" ["EagleBot", "Null",
> "Null", "EagleBot"],
> IRCMessage Nothing "PRIVMSG" ["NickServ",
> "IDENTIFY censored"],
> IRCMessage Nothing "JOIN" ["#esoteric"]],True))
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