[Haskell-cafe] Compiling hdirect on windows with COM support

Marc Weber marco-oweber at gmx.de
Sat Feb 11 05:44:48 EST 2006

On Mon, Feb 06, 2006 at 02:58:50PM +0100, Marc Weber wrote:
> > 	echo "Press Ctrl-d when finished or enter exit to continue this script"
> > 	bash dozip afterConfiguring 
> I did make a small mistake here:
> it should look like this:
> 	bash
> 	dozip afterConfiguring
> Oh.. and I did use gcc from mingw as you can see. I don't know yet how
> to specify gcc.exe from ghc-6.4.1/gcc.exe without the configure script
> complaining gcc can't produce executables becaus cc1 is missing.

Aeh.. I had still a bug.. This is the correction.
See first commented link in script for details.
Hope this will be usefule sometimes for someone else

# author: Marc Weber
# marco-oweber at gmx.de

# additional build documentation (should be included into hdirect, I
# think:
# http://cvs.haskell.org/cgi-bin/cvsweb.cgi/fptools/hdirect/distrib/INSTALL?rev=1.12

WORKDIR=${WORKDIR:-myfptoolsdirectory} # you can use "" here because cvs will checkout the folder "fptools" everything will be done in that..
CREATEZIPSTODEBUGTHISSCRIPT="" # "" = no "yes"=yes, for debugging purposes.

# hdirect lib info (will replace old file due to packaging info changes)
hdirectlibpkginfo="name: \"hdirect\"  \n\
import-dirs: \"\${hd_libdir}\" \n\
library-dirs: \"\${hd_libdir}\" \n\
hs-libraries: \"HShdirect\" \n\
include-dirs: \"\${hd_libdir}\" \n\
depends: \"base\", \"haskell98\" \n\
exposed:True \n\
exposed-modules:\"HDirect\",\"Pointer\" "
#hdirect comlib cabal pkg info:
hdirectcomlibpkginfo="name: com \n\
import-dirs: \"\${hd_imp}\" \n\
library-dirs: \"\${hd_lib}\" \n\
hs-libraries: \"HScom\" \n\
extra-libraries: \"kernel32\", \n\
       	\"user32\", \n\
	\"ole32\", \n\
	\"oleaut32\", \n\
	\"advapi32\", \n\
	\"HScom\" \n\
include-dirs: \"\${hd_inc}\" \n\
depends: \"base\", \n\
	\"haskell98\" \n\
exposed:True \n\
exposed-modules: \"Com\", \n\
	\"TypeLib\", \n\
	\"ComPrim\", \n\
	\"Automation\", \n\
	\"AutoPrim\", \n\
	\"WideString\", \n\
	\"StdTypes\", \n\
	\"StdDispatch\", \n\
	\"ComServ\", \n\
	\"Connection\", \n\
	\"SafeArray\" "

confirm() { echo -e $1 "\n" "press return to proceed, Strg-C to exit"; read; }
info() { echo; echo $1; echo $1 | sed -e 's/./-/g' ; }
die() { echo $1 ; exit; }
question() { echo -e $1 "\n [y]es, [n]o"; read d; if [[ "$d"="y" ]]; then True ; else False; fi; }
dozip() { [ -z CREATEZIPSTODEBUGTHISSCRIPT ] || zip -r  ../$1.zip . || die "couldn't create zip" ; }
doziphd() { [ -z CREATEZIPSTODEBUGTHISSCRIPT ] || zip -r  ../../$1.zip . || die "couldn't create zip"; }

confirm "this script isn't well tested yet .. run it .. Read the code first because you are running it on your risk"
confirm "Be sure to have your ghc in win PATH environment variable, else everything will work till compiling hdirect ;-) if you can run ghc.exe from cygwin shell everything should be fine."

[ -d "$WORKDIR" ] || mkdir "$WORKDIR"  || die "couldn't create working directory"
cd "$WORKDIR" || die "couldn't cd to working directory"

if [[ ! -d fptools ]]; then
#if :; then
	question "Shall I dwonload happy (say yes and add --enable-src-tree-happy to configure if you don't have happy)" && coHappy=1
	question "Shall I dwonload alex (say yes and add --enable-src-tree-alex to configure if you don't have alex)" && coAlex=1
	info "checking out fptools top directory"
	cvs -d:pserver:anoncvs at cvs.haskell.org:/cvs co -l fptools || die "cvs checkout of fptools top directory failed" 
	info "checking out fptools/glafp-utils (used by hdirect)"
	cvs -d:pserver:anoncvs at cvs.haskell.org:/cvs co fptools/glafp-utils || die "cvs checkout of fptools top directory failed" 
	info "checking out ghc"
	cvs -d:pserver:anoncvs at cvs.haskell.org:/cvs co fptools/ghc || die "cvs checkout of fptools top directory failed" 
	info "checking out hdirect"
	cvs  -d:pserver:anoncvs at cvs.haskell.org:/cvs co fptools/hdirect || die "cvs check of hdirect failed"  
	info "checking out fptools/mk (needed by hdirect make)"
	cvs -d:pserver:anoncvs at cvs.haskell.org:/cvs co -l fptools/mk || die "cvs checkout of fptools top directory failed" 
	info "checking out ghc/mk (else hdirect/make will complaing about ghc/mk/paths.mk"
	cvs  -d:pserver:anoncvs at cvs.haskell.org:/cvs co fptools/ghc/mk || die "cvs check of hdirect failed"  
	if [ ! -z coHappy ]; then
		info "checking out happy (else hdirect/make will complaing about ghc/mk/paths.mk"
		remhappy="add --enable-src-tree-happy"
		cvs  -d:pserver:anoncvs at cvs.haskell.org:/cvs co fptools/happy || die "cvs check of hdirect failed"  
	if [ ! -z coAlex ]; then
		info "checking out alex (else hdirect/make will complaing about ghc/mk/paths.mk"
		remalex="add --enable-src-tree-alex"
		cvs  -d:pserver:anoncvs at cvs.haskell.org:/cvs co fptools/alex || die "cvs check of hdirect failed"  
	cd fptools
	dozip AfterCO
	cd ..
	info "omitting cvs co because fptools already exists"

cd fptools

if [ -f configure ]; then info "omitting autoreconf (configure already exists)";
	else  info "calling autoreconf"; autoreconf ||die "autoreconf failed" ;

if [ -f config.status ]; then
	info "I omit configuring because fptools/conf exists. Remove it to configure again"
	if [ -f configure ]; then info "omitting autoreconf (configure already exists)";
		else  info "calling autoreconf"; autoreconf ||die "autoreconf failed" 

	echo "Now you have to configure fptools, you can add --with-ghc=ARG to specify the ghc directory and --with-gcc to specify to point to the gcc/bin directory (because you want to compile native win apps you don't want to use gcc from cygwin!)"
	confirm "running bash now, please call configure"
	echo "Your command might look like this: ./configure --with-gcc='c:/MinGWStudio/MinGW/bin/gcc' --with-ghc='c:/ghc/ghc-6.4.1/bin/ghc.exe'"   $remhappy $remalex "; exit"
	echo "Press Ctrl-d when finished or enter exit to continue this script"
	dozip afterConfiguring 
info "***** starting compiling "
if [ -d happy  ]; then
	if [ ! -f happy/src/happy.exe ]; then
		info "happy in source tree. So I think you don't have it, yet. I'm running make"
		cd happy || die "couldn't cd to happy"
		make boot || die "couldn't make make boot"
		make || die "making happy failed"
		cd ..
		echo "happy already built"
if [ ! -z "$remalex" ]; then
	echo "I think alex is used to make configure not complain.. ;-)"

if [ -f glafp-utils/.depend ]; then
	info "omitting glafp-utils because glasp-utils/.depend exists"
	info "Making glafp-utils now"
	cd glafp-utils
	make boot || die "couln't make boot (glafp-utils) but this doesn't seem to be serious, just restart script"
	make || die "couln't make hdirect^ (glafp-utils) but this doesn't seem to be serious, just restart script"
	cd ..

info "building hdirect"
cd hdirect ||die 'cd hdirect'
make boot || die "couldn't make "
make ||die make
make lib || die "couldn't make lib"

# registering hdirect: (isn't needed ? but doesn't harm)
if ! ghc-pkg.exe describe hdirect; then
	cd lib
	# check wether hdirect.pkg has been replaced, yet due to changes in pkg info:
	if grep 'Package {' hdirect.pkg; then
		info "replacing hdirect.pkg due to changees in pkg info."
		echo "old pkg info (hdirect.pkg)"
		cat hdirect.pkg
		echo -e $hdirectlibpkginfo > hdirect.pkg
		echo "new pkg info (hdirect.pkg)"
		cat hdirect.pkg
	info "registering hdirect"
	#export hd_libdir="d:\\\\haskell\\\\fptools\\\\fptools\\\\hdirect\\\\lib"
	hd_libdir=$(cygpath -w $(pwd))
	export hd_libdir=${hd_libdir//\\/\\\\} # double "\" becaus of escaping
	echo $hd_libdir
	ghc-pkg.exe -u < hdirect.pkg || die "couldn't register hdirect"
	cd ..

#registering comlib of hdirect
if ! ghc-pkg.exe describe comlib; then
	cd comlib
	# check wether com.pkg has been replaced, yet due to changes in pkg info:
	if grep 'Package{' com.pkg; then
		info "replacing com.pkg due to changees in pkg info."
		echo "old pkg info (com.pkg)"
		cat com.pkg
		echo -e $hdirectcomlibpkginfo > com.pkg
		echo "new pkg info (com.pkg)"
		cat com.pkg
	info "registering comlib"
	export hd_lib=""
	export hd_inc=""
	export hd_imp="" 
	hd_lib=$(cygpath -w $(pwd))
	export hd_inc=${hd_lib//\\/\\\\}
	export hd_imp=${hd_lib//\\/\\\\}
	export hd_lib=${hd_lib//\\/\\\\}
	echo hd_lib $hd_lib
	echo hd_int $hd_int
	echo hd_inc $hd_inc
	ghc-pkg.exe -u < com.pkg || die "couldn't register comlib"
	cd ..

cd src
rm -f *.o

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