[Haskell-cafe] Haskell to call Microsoft COM (Dispatch)

Gracjan Polak gracjanpolak at gmail.com
Wed Feb 1 05:54:35 EST 2006

2006/1/31, Taral <taralx at gmail.com>:
> On 1/30/06, Gracjan Polak <gracjanpolak at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Is there any library to make Haskell call Microsoft COM functions using
> > Dispatch? E.g I don't need the full COM binary functionality, scripting
> is
> > enough. Google didn't seem to find anything interesting... beside
> rolling my
> > own using FFI :)
> A bit of searching turns up very little, but rolling your own for
> simple support is not difficult. OleInitialize, CoCreateInstance,
> class IUnknown, class IDispatch, class Variant...

Yes, I know. But I did not want to reinvent the wheel :)

Besides, HDirect is large pile of outstanding work. Probably very much worth
resurrecting. I'll think about this.

Anyway automation bindings could be a bit of boost for Haskell popularity on

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