[Haskell-cafe] Newbie question

Bernie Pope bjpop at csse.unimelb.edu.au
Fri Dec 29 21:51:09 EST 2006

On 30/12/2006, at 1:33 PM, Pieter Laeremans wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm reading the Haskell school of expression by Paul Hudok. Great  
> book.

Hudak. And I  concur, a great book.

> However I would like some feedback about a solution to an exercise
> The problem is quite simple :
> define f1 and f2 (using higher order functions ) such that
> f1 (f2 (*) [1..4]) 5 => [5,10,15,20]
> I have come up with the following solution :
> f2 :: (a->b)->[a] -> [b]
> f2 f xs = map f xs

That's fine, but what you are really saying is that f2 is the same as  
map, so you can make
that connection more obvious like this:

    f2 = map

> f1 fs a = map (applyOp a) fs
> applyOp  b f = f b

That's also fine. You can avoid applyOp in numerous ways. One way is  
to use the
function called $ from the Prelude; it implements function application.

f $ x = f x

So you could write:

    f1 fs a = map ($ a) fs

Of course, there are also other ways of implementing f1 and f2 such  
that you get the
desired result, but the map approach seems to be what the question  
was angling for.


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