[Haskell-cafe] Strange type behavior in GHCi 6.4.2
Grady Lemoine
grady.lemoine at gmail.com
Fri Dec 29 15:00:42 EST 2006
I've performed some experiments in GHCi, and it looks like even for a
simple function (+) (which should be the worst case, since if the
computation is simple, any extra time required to dispatch the call
will show up more strongly in comparison) it doesn't really matter. I
get essentially the same execution times no matter which of the
definitions below I use, although sometimes one time (apparently at
random) is 2-3 times as large as the others; I presume this is the
garbage collector at work, or something. Given these results, I'm
inclined to make my function types as general as possible, with
typeclasses galore, and only use pragmas if profiling reveals a good
reason to.
I'm attaching my test code for reference. Clumsy noob Haskell code
below (I'm still pretty new to Haskell, and this is the first time
I've programmed in a monad):
Test of what effect (if any) using a typeclass in GHC has on performance
> module TypeClassTest where
> import System.CPUTime
> l :: [Double]
> l = [0.0,1.0..1e5]
Fully specialized:
> addDouble :: Double -> Double -> Double
> addDouble = (+)
Generic, but with inlining:
> {-# INLINE addInline #-}
> addInline :: Num a => a -> a -> a
> addInline = (+)
Generic, but with specialization:
> {-# SPECIALIZE addSpecialize :: Double -> Double -> Double #-}
> addSpecialize :: Num a => a -> a -> a
> addSpecialize = (+)
Generic, with no compiler pragmas:
> addGeneric :: Num a => a -> a -> a
> addGeneric = (+)
> main :: IO ()
> main = do putStrLn $ "Summing " ++ length l ++ " floating-point values in various ways..."
> foldTime "Double list with addDouble" addDouble l
> foldTime "Double list with addInline" addInline l
> foldTime "Double list with addSpecialized" addSpecialize l
> foldTime "Double list with addGeneric" addGeneric l
> return ()
> foldTime :: String -> (a -> a -> a) -> [a] -> IO a
> foldTime desc f l = do start <- getCPUTime
> result <- (return $! foldr1 f l)
> end <- getCPUTime
> putStrLn $ "Time for " ++ desc ++ " per list element: " ++ show ((end-start) `div` (fromIntegral $ length l))
> return result
--Grady Lemoine
On 12/29/06, Kirsten Chevalier <catamorphism at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 12/29/06, Bulat Ziganshin <bulat.ziganshin at gmail.com> wrote:
> > i propose you to use INLINE pragma:
> >
> > {-# INLINE foo #-}
> >
> > unless your function is recursive. in this case, you should use SPECIALIZE
> > pragma:
> >
> > {-# SPECIALIZE foo :: Double -> Double -> Double #-}
> >
> I suggest *not* using these pragmas unless a combination of profiling
> and reading intermediate code dumps suggests that foo -- and its
> un-specialized nature -- is truly a bottleneck. Excessive amounts of
> SPECIALIZE pragmas can make your code ugly without actually improving
> performance if you optimize prematurely (and I speak from experience).
> Think *first*, add pragmas later; again, people on the mailing lists
> and IRC channel are usually happy to provide guidance with this.
> Cheers,
> Kirsten
> --
> Kirsten Chevalier* chevalier at alum.wellesley.edu *Often in error, never in doubt
> "To be free is not to have the power to do anything you like; it is to be able
> to surpass the given towards an open future..."--Simone de Beauvoir
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